Starting Platform Servers and Tools

The buttons on the left side of the Control Center show the dialog of each module.

Each one of these dialogs allows you to start/stop the servers and graphical tools of the module and display their status.

Denodo Platform Control Center

Denodo Platform Control Center

In the dialog of each module, there are several sections:

  1. Servers.

  2. Web Tools: web administration tools.

  3. Tools: desktop tools.

To start a server or web tool, click the button image0 next to its name.

To stop a running server or web tool, click image1 to stop it.

Click Stop all servers in the lower-left side to stop all the currently launched servers and web applications of the Solution Manager.

To launch a tool, click Launch next to its name.

To launch a web tool, click on its name when it’s running: the main page of the tool will be opened on your browser. The URL for the web tools are:

  • Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool: http://localhost:19090/diagnostic-monitoring-tool/

  • Solution Manager Administration Tool: http://localhost:19090/solution-manager-web-tool/

The list below refers to the documents that explain how to launch the servers/tools of each module, with a script:

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