Installing the Solution Manager Web Applications as Windows Services

By default, Solution Manager administration tool has to be started manually. If the Solution Manager runs on Windows, consider to install it as a Windows service. To do this, do the following:

  1. Start a command prompt as an administrator and execute the following:

cd bin

REM To install the "Solution Manager Administration tool" as a Windows service
solutionmanagerwebtool_service.bat install

REM To install the "Diagnostic & Monitoring tool" as a Windows service
diagnosticmonitoringtool_service.bat install
  1. Execute services.msc. This will launch the Windows services wizard.

  2. Look for one of the new Solution Manager services (all of them start with word “Denodo”), right-click it and click Properties.

  3. Click the Log on tab.

  4. Select This account, enter the user name of the user with which you run the Solution Manager servers.

  5. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to configure the other new Solution Manager services.

To remove the Windows service of one of these applications, execute the same script but with the parameter remove instead of install.

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