These options are only available when accessing the Web Panel in administration mode. That is, by going to the URL If you enabled Kerberos authentication, you have to access the Web Panel using the Fully Qualified Domain Name defined by the configured Server Principal Name and not an alias (e.g.
To access the configuration of the Web Panel:
Go to
On the top-right, click Login and enter your credentials (not necessary if you enabled Kerberos authentication).
On the top-right, click Configuration.
Virtual DataPort Server Set-Up¶
In this section you can change the settings for accessing the Virtual DataPort Server that will be used for authentication.
Click Edit to change the Server Host, Server Port and Database parameters. Database is optional: it is the name of the Virtual DataPort server database which should be used for authentication (this is useful when the database uses LDAP authentication).

Virtual DataPort Server Set-Up¶
Kerberos Set-Up¶
To enable Kerberos authentication on the Web Panel, do this:
Click Edit in the Kerberos Set-Up panel.
Enable Use Kerberos.
Enter the Server Principal Name (SPN).
Enter the full path to the Keytab file. Do not enter a relative path.
Optionally, enter the full path to the krb5 file.
Optionally, you can Activate Kerberos debug mode.
The sections Setting-up Kerberos Authentication and Providing a Krb5 File for Kerberos Authentication provide more details about this.

Kerberos Set-Up¶
Informative Message Set-Up¶
You can add an informative message that will be displayed to all users when they access the Web Panel. It will show up at the top of the page.
It can be used to display a welcome message, inform users when the service is expected to be down for maintenance, legal disclaimers, etc.
To configure the informative message, click Edit Informative Message.

Informative Message Set-Up¶
To enter the message in HTML, click Source in the editor, enter the HTML and click Source again (the Save button is disabled while in Source mode).

Informative Message¶