Installation and Execution

The Web Panel Administration Tool is a web application that runs on the web container included in the Denodo Platform. The Web Panel can be installed with the Solution Manager installer.

Launching the Web Panel Administration Tool

There are two options to start and stop the Web Panel Administration Tool:

  1. Using the Denodo Platform Control Center, which allows to start and stop all servers and tools of the Denodo Platform.

  2. Using the scripts of the <SOLUTION_MANAGER_HOME>/bin directory:

    • To start the tool: webpanel_startup

    • To stop the tool: webpanel_shutdown

    Each script has a version for Linux (.sh) and other one for Windows (.bat).

The default URL for accessing this tool from a local machine is http://localhost:19090/webpanel.

Installing Web Panel as Windows Service

By default, Wep Panel Administration Tool has to be started manually. If the application runs on Windows, consider to install it as a Windows service. To do this, do the following:

  1. Start a command prompt as an administrator and execute the following:

cd bin

REM To install the "Web Panel Administration tool" as a Windows service
webpanel_service.bat install
  1. Execute services.msc. This will launch the Windows services wizard.

  2. Look for the new Web Panel service (it should start with “Denodo Web Panel”), right-click it and click Properties.

  3. Click the Log on tab.

  4. Select This account, enter the user name of the account you use to run the other Denodo services.

To remove the Windows service of one of these applications, execute this:

webpanel_service.bat remove
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