Invoking Web Services Created with Previous Versions


This section is about the Web services created with previous version of the Denodo Platform.

This section describes how to invoke the different types of Web services.

The Context Path column of the list of the Web services container shows the path to each Service relative to the URL where the embedded Web container is running (by default: http://localhost:9090).

This path contains a list of the exported versions for that Service.

The relative paths /services, /rest, /json, /html and /rss show the available operations for each Web service type.

Example: the following table contains a list of the URLs of the information pages:

URLs of Web Service’s information pages

Web Services Version












These information pages list the operations of the Web Service.

The SOAP information page contains a link to the wsdl file of the service.

The information page of the XML service contains a link to the XML Schema of the XML output of each operation.

The links to the XML Schemas of the XML Web service’s output have this format: http://host:port/server/databaseName/serviceName/rest/opName/xsd

Example: If the testWS Web service has an operation called getINTERNET_INC, the URL of the XML Schema of its response is:

Obtaining the XSD Schema of a REST operation

Invoking the Operations of the REST Services

This section explains how to invoke the operations of the REST services (XML, JSON, HTML and RSS) of a Web service published from Virtual DataPort.

Note that the examples of this section assume that you are invoking operations that do not have a Custom Endpoint (see section Defining a Custom Endpoint).

Example: Let us suppose that the testWS service has an operation called getINTERNET_INC that requires no parameters. This operation can be invoked as follows:

Invoking a Web Service without parameters

Web Services Version










The following sections describe the different ways in which you can pass input parameters to an operation, depending on the type of the operation:

Invoking Operations that Retrieve Data from the Web Service (SELECT Queries)

There are two ways to pass input parameters to a Web service operation that executes SELECT queries:

  1. Send an HTTP GET request with the parameters in the URL. The syntax is the following:

    http://host:port/server/databaseName/serviceName/{ rest|json|html|rss }/opName?paramName1=value1&paramNameN=valueN

    This syntax is valid to invoke any of the REST versions of the Web service: XML, JSON, HTML or RSS.

  2. Or, send an HTTP POST request. The parameters of the query are sent in the body of the request.

    To invoke an XML, RSS or HTML service, add an XML document with the input parameters, to the body of the request and add the HTTP header Content-type=application/xml.

    To invoke a JSON service, add a JSON document with the input parameters, to the body of the request and add the HTTP header Content-type=application/json.

Example: Let us suppose that the testWS service has an operation called getINTERNET_INCBYIINCID with two input parameters called iinc_id and taxid. The operation can be invoked by sending a request to the following URLs:

Web service: invoking an operation with two input parameters

Web Services Version










Instead of putting the input parameters in the URL, you can send a POST request to the URL of the operation:

http://acme:9090/server/admin/testWS/{ rest | json | rss | html }/getINTERNET_INC

and send the input parameters in the body of the request. If you send a request to the REST (XML), RSS or HTML services, you can send an XML document like this one with the HTTP header Content-type=application/xml:

Web service: sample XML document sent in the body of a POST request to a SELECT operation

The root element of the XML document has to be the name of the view, except when you are invoking an operation that was created from the Publish from VQL expression dialog (see section Operations Tab). In this case, the root element has to be vql_operations and not the name of the view.

If you invoke the JSON service, you can send a JSON document like this one with the HTTP header Content-type=application/json:

Web service: sample JSON document sent in the body of a POST request to a SELECT operation
  "iinc_id": 1,
  "taxid": "12345678"

When the Web service receives any of these requests, it will execute the following query:

Web service: example of a SELECT query executed by an operation
FROM internet_inc
WHERE iinc_id = 1 AND taxid = '12345678'
CONTEXT ('i18n' = 'us_pst')

If the type of an input parameter of an operation is compound (register or array), its value is represented by using the ROW and {} VQL constructors (see the section Conditions with Compound Values of the VQL Guide for more details about representing compound).


By default, an input parameter is “case insensitive”. That is, it does not matter if you pass the parameter iinc_id or IINC_ID. However, if you rename an input parameter, it becomes “case sensitive”.

The format of the result will depend on the Web service version you are invoking. If you invoke the XML Web service, you will obtain an XML document, if you invoke the JSON Web service, you will obtain a JSON document, etc.

Example of invoking a Web service with compound parameters: Let us suppose that the testWS Web service has an operation called getREVENUESUM. This operation publishes the view REVENUESUM created in the section Creating Conditions with the Compound Values Editor, which has an input parameter of type array called clients. Each record of the array has one text field that represents a company’s tax identifier. The operation returns the sum of the revenue of the companies in the input parameter. The URL to invoke the REST version of this operation is:

Invoking a REST Web service with an array parameter

By default, the REST, JSON and HTML Services return an error if a client passes parameters in the URL that do not belong to the published view. If a client needs to ignore the extra parameters, it must add the validateparams parameter to the URL.

For example, if a client invokes the following URL, the Service returns an error because made_up_parameter does not belong to the published view.


However, if a client invokes the following URL, the Service will ignore made_up_parameter and return the result of the query.


The parameter validateparams has to be added to the URL after the name of the operation and is valid for the REST, JSON, HTML and RSS services.


When the parameters are sent in the body of the request, instead of in the URL, and the JSON or XML document contains parameters that do not belong to the published view, they are ignored and the request is processed anyway.

Invoking Operations that Insert New Data (INSERT Queries)

There are three ways to pass input parameters to a Web service operation that executes INSERT queries:

  1. Send a GET request with the parameters in the URL. The syntax is the following:


    This syntax is valid to invoke any of the REST versions of the Web service: XML, JSON, HTML or RSS.

  2. Send an HTTP POST request.

  3. Or, send an HTTP PUT request.

For options 2 and 3 the input parameters are sent in the body of the request.

The request sent to the XML (REST), RSS and HTML versions of the Web service must have:

  • The HTTP header Content-type=application/xml

  • A body with an XML document, which contains the input parameters of the operation.

The request sent to the JSON version of the Web service must have:

  • The HTTP header Content-type=application/json

  • A body with a JSON document, which contains the input parameters of the operation.


When invoking an INSERT operation, you have to provide a value for all the input parameters of the operation.


INSERT operations are not supported by the HTML Web services.


Let us say that we have published a Web service with an operation insertINTERNET_INC that executes an INSERT query on the view internet_inc. The parameters of this operation are IINC_ID, SUMMARY, TTIME, TAXID, SPECIFIC_FIELD1 and SPECIFIC_FIELD2.

If you send a POST or PUT request with the header Content-type=application/xml, the body of the request has to contain an XML document like this one:

Web service: XML document sent in the body of a POST request to an INSERT operation
    <SUMMARY>New incident</SUMMARY>
    <TTIME>Aug 22, 2011 1:04:22 PM</TTIME>
    <SPECIFIC_FIELD2><![CDATA[specific info]]></SPECIFIC_FIELD2>

When the operation receives this document, executes the following query:

Web service: example of INSERT query executed by an operation
INSERT INTO internet_inc
    (iinc_id, summary, ttime, taxid, specific_field1, specific_field2)     VALUES
     'New incident',
     TO_DATE('MMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a', 'Aug 22, 2011 1:04:22 PM'),
     'specific info')
CONTEXT ('i18n' = 'us_pst')

Note that the value of the field SPECIFIC_FIELD2 of the XML document contains a CDATA section, which is properly treated as you can see in the executed query.

If you send a POST or PUT request with the header Content-type=application/json, the body of the request has to contain a JSON document like this one:

Web service: JSON document sent in the body of a POST request to an INSERT operation
    "IINC_ID": 100,
    "SUMMARY": "New incident",
    "TTIME": "Aug 22, 2011 1:04:22 PM",
    "TAXID": "12345678",
    "SPECIFIC_FIELD1": "3",
    "SPECIFIC_FIELD2": "specific info "

The type of the parameter TTIME is date. This means that the value of the element in the JSON or XML document must have the format expected by the I18N of the query associated with the operation of the Web service. The result of the statement DESC VQL WEBSERVICE <web service name>, contains the query associated with each operation (parameter VQL of the parameter OPERATION).

Invoking Operations that Update Data (UPDATE Queries)

There are three ways to pass input parameters to a Web service operation that executes UPDATE queries:

  1. Send an HTTP GET request with the parameters in the URL. The syntax is the following:

    http://host:port/server/databaseName/serviceName/{ rest|json|html|rss }/opName?paramName1=value1&paramNameN=valueN
  2. Send an HTTP POST request.

  3. Or, send an HTTP PUT request.

For options 2 and 3 the input parameters are sent in the body of the request.

The request sent to the XML (REST), RSS and HTML services must have:

  • The HTTP header Content-type=application/xml

  • A body with an XML document, which contains the input parameters of the operation.

The requests sent to the JSON services must have:

  • The HTTP header Content-type=application/json

  • A body with a JSON document, which contains the input parameters of the operation.


When invoking an UPDATE operation, you have to provide a value for all the New input parameters of the operation. These parameters are the new values of the cells of the updated rows.


UPDATE operations are not supported by the HTML Web services.


Let us say that we have published a Web service with an operation updateINTERNET_INC that executes an UPDATE query on the view internet_inc. This view has the following fields:







So, this operation will have the following input parameters:







  • NewIINC_ID






As we explained in the section Operations Tab, the parameters with the prefix NEW are the new values of the fields of the selected rows. The parameters that do not have the prefix NEW are used to select the affected rows.

If you send a POST or PUT request with the header Content-type=application/xml, the body of the request has to contain an XML document like the following:

Web service: XML document sent in the body of a POST request to an UPDATE operation
    <NEWTTIME>Jun 6, 2005 10:19:41 PM</NEWTTIME>

When the operation receives a request with this XML document, executes the following query:

Web service: example of UPDATE query executed by an operation
UPDATE internet_inc SET
    summary = 'Error in ADSL router',
    ttime = TO_DATE('MMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a', 'Jun 6, 2005 10:19:41 PM'),
    taxid = 'B78596011',
    specific_field1 = '1',
    specific_field2 = '1'
    iinc_id = 155
CONTEXT ('i18n' = 'us_pst')

Invoking Operations that Delete Data (DELETE Queries)

There are three ways to pass input parameters to a Web service operation that executes DELETE queries:

  1. Send an HTTP GET request with the parameters in the URL. The syntax is the following:

    http://host:port/server/databaseName/serviceName/{ rest|json|rss }/opName?paramName1=value1&paramNameN=valueN
  2. Send an HTTP DELETE request. The parameters also have to be sent in the URL as with the GET method.

  3. Send an HTTP POST request. The input parameters are sent in the body of the request sent to the Web service. The POST request must have:

    • If the request is sent to the XML (REST) and RSS versions of the Web Service, the HTTP header Content-type=application/xml and a body with an XML document, which contains the input parameters of the operation.

    • If the request is sent to the JSON version of the Web Service it must contain the HTTP header Content-type=application/json and a body with a JSON document, which contains the input parameters of the operation.


DELETE operations are not supported by HTML published web services.


Let us say that we have published a Web service with an operation deleteINTERNET_INC that executes a DELETE query on the view internet_inc. The parameters of this operation are IINC_ID, SUMMARY, TTIME, TAXID, SPECIFIC_FIELD1 and SPECIFIC_FIELD2.

If you send a DELETE request, the URL of the request must be like this:

Web service: example of DELETE request to a DELETE operation

If you send a POST request with the header Content-type=application/xml, the body of the request has to contain an XML document like this:

Web service: XML document sent in the body of a POST request to a DELETE operation

If you send a POST request with the header Content-type=application/json, the body of the request has to contain a JSON document like this:

Web service: JSON document sent in the body of a POST request to a DELETE operation
    "IINC_ID": 1,

When the operation receives any of these requests, it executes the following query:

Web service: example of DELETE query executed by an operation
DELETE FROM internet_inc
CONTEXT ('i18n' = 'us_pst')

HTML Output Configuration

The HTML version of the Denodo Web services can be invoked with additional parameters in order to configure the HTML table that displays the results of the queries.


These options cannot be used when invoking operations that have a Custom endpoint (see section Defining a Custom Endpoint).

The configuration parameters are the following:

  • shownumresults. If true, the table will also display the number of rows obtained by the query.

  • intervalsize. If present, the results of the query will be paginated. The value of the parameter is the number of results in each page.

  • maxresults. Maximum number of results to be displayed. If the query returns more rows, all excess results will be omitted.

  • cellwidth. Maximum cell width expressed in number of characters. If the text of a cell is wider, the text will be divided in several lines.

  • cellheight. Maximum number of lines in a cell after having split the text according to the cellwidth parameter. If this is exceeded, all the cells of this column will have a scroll bar.

  • width. Maximum width (in pixels) of the table. If the size is exceeded, a scroll bar is added.

  • height. Maximum height (in pixels) of the table. If the size is exceeded, a scroll bar is added.

  • noescapehtml. List of the names of the columns whose HTML code will not be escaped (separate each name with comma). By default, the HTML of all the cells is escaped, unless its column name is in this list.

These parameters must be indicated in the part of the URL corresponding to the access path (before the query parameters) in the following format:


For example, the following expression invokes the getINTERNET_INC operation, limiting the number of results displayed to 50 and setting the number of rows per page to 10.

Invoking the HTML Web service with configuration parameters

JSON Output Configuration

The JSON version of the Web service can return JSON data, prefixed with the name of a function (also called JSON with padding or JSONP). That way, when a browser receives the response, it receives a script rather than data.

To obtain this, add the parameter jsoncallback to the parameters of the URL. E.g.

Invoking the JSON Web service with padding (JSONP)

This will return the following:

    <result of the query>


To use this feature, the published view cannot have a field called jsoncallback.

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