Microsoft SQL Server

To use the Microsoft SQL Server API to perform bulk data loads, first you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install the Microsoft Command Line Utilities for SQL Server on the host where the Virtual DataPort server runs:

  1. If the Denodo server runs on Windows, download the package and install it.

  2. If the Denodo server runs on Linux, follow the steps for your platform.

  1. Edit the JDBC data source and click the tab Read & Write. Then, select Use bulk data load APIs and in the Bcp executable location box, enter the path to the file bcp.

    • On Windows: enter c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\bcp.exe.

    • On Linux: enter /opt/mssql-tools/bin/bcp.


    Make sure the file path you enter exists; on your system, “bcp” may be installed on a different path.

The process is the same regardless of if you selected a jTDS adapter or a Microsoft adapter.

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