Querying Views¶
To query a view, open it and click Execution panel ().
The default query is SELECT * FROM viewname
Click on beside “Conditions” to add AND conditions to the
query. For each condition, you have to indicate:
One of the attributes of the view.
The operator of the condition: =, <>, contains, etc.
The operand. It can be any expression using constants, view attributes and functions (see Functions for Conditions and Derived Attributes of the VQL Guide).
Click on the menu Help > Functions list to display the list of existing functions.
If the selected attribute is of a compound type or of xml type, click on the icon beside the box to open, respectively, the “Compound values editor” or the “XML editor”.
You can also select the Specify Where expression option to write a more complex query. In the box for writing the query, press Ctrl+Space to display the auto-complete list that will help you form syntactically valid expressions.
When writing queries, keep in mind that the query conditions have to fulfill the view’s mandatory capabilities. The section Query Capabilities explains what mandatory capabilities are.
The following options are available in this dialog:
Do not use cache. If selected, this execution of the query ignores the contents of the cache and obtains the data from the original sources even if the cache has been enabled for this view. If this view is a combination of views, the contents of their caches will also be ignored.
Store results in cache. If selected, “Retrieve all rows” will be automatically selected and the results of the query will be stored in the view’s cache. It is equivalent to adding the
'cache_preload' = 'true'
parameter to theCONTEXT
clause of the query.Note
This option is only enabled if the cache mode of the view is “Full” or “Partial with explicit loads”. With cache “Full”, if “Store results in cache” is selected and “Retrieve all rows” is not, the maximum number of results stored in cache will be limited by “Display rows”.
Wait for cache load. If selected, the query will not finish until the entire result have been returned to the Administration Tool and stored in the cache database. If this check box is cleared, once all the results are returned to the Administration Tool, the query finishes without waiting for the entire data to be cached correctly.
When the Server executes a query whose result has to be cached, usually the entire result has been processed by the Administration Tool before it is completely stored in the cache database. The reason is that inserting data in a database is usually a slower task. If you clear this check box and after the query has finished, there is an error while inserting the data into the cache database, the Server cannot notify the Administration Tool of this error. By selecting this check box, you will see the error if there is one. Selecting this check box is equivalent to adding the
'cache_wait_for_load' = 'true'
parameter to theCONTEXT
clause of the query.If you select this check box and also select the check box “Execute with TRACE”, the execution trace of the query will contain information about the process of storing the data in the cache database.
To see more information, search for the option
in the section Cache Modes.Invalidate existing results. If selected, the cached data of this view will be invalidated before storing the new data. It is equivalent to adding the
'cache_invalidate' = 'matching_rows'
parameter to theCONTEXT
clause of the query.Note
This option is only enabled if the cache mode of the view is “Full”.
Display rows. The Tool only displays the first N rows of the result.
Retrieve all rows. If selected, the Tool does not display more rows than “Display rows”, but the Tool keeps processing the rest of the result set.
If this check box is cleared, the Tool adds clause
to the query sent to the Server. E.g. if “Display rows” is set to 100 and you execute the querySELECT * FROM view
, the Tool sends the querySELECT * FROM view LIMIT 100
. That means that the query will finish after processing 100 rows.Note
It is important to highlight that in case of executing a view configured with cache “Partial”, if “Retrieve all rows” is not selected, the query will not be cached.
Execute with TRACE. If selected, it will enable the “View execution trace” button of the dialog with the results of the query.
Do not use swap. If selected, this execution of the query will not swap the intermediate results to disk even if swapping has been enabled. If this view is a combination of views, their intermediate results will not be swapped to disk either.
Before executing the query, you can click Query plan to obtain a look ahead at the execution plan that Virtual DataPort will use to run the query (see section Execution Trace of a Statement).
Any query execution can be cancelled at any moment by clicking Stop
The Executing the view incidents_sales shows the result of
executing the view incidents_sales
Once the execution has finished, you can see the trace of the execution (see section Execution Trace of a Statement) by clicking Execution trace (only enabled if the “Execute with TRACE” check box was selected in the previous dialog).

Executing the view incidents_sales
If the response to the query execution contains a compound field (a
register or an array), double-click the field to navigate its
subcomponents. The figure below shows the result of executing the base view
(created in the section Creating Flatten Views). The result of querying this view only has one tuple, which
contains one field of the type array of registers. Each register
contains the taxId
and the average monthly sales of a client.
Double-click on the field “[Array]” to display its contents and then,
click RESULT to return to the previous level.

Result comprised of one tuple with a field of the type array of registers¶

Content of a field of the type array of registers¶
To export the result of the query to a zip file, click Save
(). You can select the information to export:
Include trace: if the statement returns an execution trace, it will be added to the zip file in binary and text file format.
Include image: if the statement returns an execution trace, the file will include the trace as an image.
Include results: stores the results in a CSV file. The CSV file will only contain the rows displayed by the tool, not all the rows of the result. For example, if Display rows is set to 150 but the query returns 200 rows, the Tool will only save those 150 rows.

Export the result of the query¶
Later, you can load this file with the Trace Viewer (menu Tools > Trace viewer). You will be able to see the results and the trace as you if have just executed the query.