Creating Databases

In the following section, we will explain how to create a database in Virtual DataPort.

There are two types of databases depending on the method used to authenticate users:

  1. Normal authentication: the database relies in the Virtual DataPort access control, which means that the users that access Virtual DataPort have to be created in Virtual DataPort. See section Creating a Database with Normal Authentication.

  2. LDAP authentication: the database delegates the authentication of users to an LDAP server. See section Creating a Database with LDAP Authentication.


The authentication type of the database does not matter if the client connects to Virtual DataPort using Kerberos authentication. The reason is that in this case, the privileges granted to the user will depend on the roles obtained for this user, from the LDAP server selected in the Kerberos configuration dialog (see section Setting-Up the Kerberos Authentication in the Virtual DataPort Server).

For both types of databases, you can configure the following settings:

  1. Enable the support for Unicode identifiers.

  2. Enable the automatic cost-based optimization. See more information about this feature in the section Cost-Based Optimization.

  3. Enable or disable the automatic simplification of queries. See more information about this feature in the section Automatic Simplification of Queries.

If you select Default for any of these options, the database will use at all times the current value configured for the Server. For example, if in a database you set the “automatic cost-based optimization” to “Default” and this feature is disabled globally (see the global value of this feature in the dialog “Queries Optimization” of the menu Administration > Server configuration), it will be also be disabled for this database. If later you enable this feature globally, it will be also enabled for this database without you having to change the specific configuration of the database.

To enable Kerberos authentication for ODBC/ clients, set ODBC/ authentication type to Kerberos.


If you do this, the ODBC/ clients that connect to this database will only be able to use Kerberos authentication; the authentication with login/password will be refused.

Creating a Database with Normal Authentication

To create a database with normal authentication, click Database management on the Administration menu. In this dialog, click New database. The Tool requests the following data (see Creating a new database with “Normal” authentication type):

  • Name of the database.

  • Description of the database (optional).

  • Identifiers charset: if you select Default, the database will use the setting configured for the entire Server (see Identifiers Charset).

  • Authentication type: Normal.

  • Click Ok to create the database.

When a user tries to connect to this database, Virtual DataPort will check the credentials of this user with the “list” of users created in Virtual DataPort. These users are the ones created in the “User Management” dialog (see section Creating Users).

Creating a new database with "Normal" authentication type

Creating a new database with “Normal” authentication type

Creating a Database with LDAP Authentication

A database with LDAP authentication delegates the authentication of users to an LDAP server. The benefit over the Normal authentication is that you rely on an LDAP server such as Microsoft Windows Active Directory to authenticate users. This simplifies the management of users and their privileges.

When creating a Virtual DataPort database with LDAP authentication, you have to define roles in Virtual DataPort with the names of the groups that a user may have assigned in the LDAP server. Then, assign privileges to these roles.

At runtime, when a user connects to this database, the Server will connect to the LDAP server to check her credentials. If the credentials are correct, the Server will obtain the names of the roles assigned to this user. The actions that the user will be authorized to do, will be defined by the privileges assigned to the roles defined in Virtual DataPort.


The authentication type of the database does not matter if the client connects to Virtual DataPort using Kerberos authentication. The reason is that the privileges granted to the user will depend on the roles obtained for this user, from the LDAP server selected in the Kerberos configuration dialog (see section Setting-Up the Kerberos Authentication in the Virtual DataPort Server).

When a user tries to connect to a LDAP database, the Server does the following:

  1. It checks if the user name belongs to a Virtual DataPort user and if it does, it checks that its password is correct. If it is not correct, it returns an error.

  2. If the user name is not a Virtual DataPort user, it connects to the LDAP server to check her credentials. If the credentials are correct, it obtains the roles of the user. If the credentials are incorrect, it returns an error.

If there is a Virtual DataPort user called “user1” and a user in the LDAP server with the same user name, the Server will use the privileges assigned to the local user “user1”.

To create a database with LDAP authentication, first you need to do the following:

  1. In the LDAP server, do the following:

    1. Create a node for each Virtual DataPort role that you want to assign to the users of this database.

    2. In each one of these nodes, create an attribute that stores the name of the role it represents. The name of this attribute has to be the same in all these nodes.


      At runtime, when a user tries to connect to a database with LDAP authentication, the Server obtains the name of the roles assigned to the user, from the LDAP server. The role names obtained from the LDAP server that do not exist in Virtual DataPort are ignored. The comparison of role names is case insensitive or case sensitive depending on the “Identifiers charset” of the Server (“Identifiers charset” tab on the menu Administration > Server configuration). If the “Identifiers charset” is “Restricted”, the comparison is case-insensitive. If the “Identifiers charset” is “Unicode”, the comparison is case-sensitive.

    3. In each one of these nodes, create an attribute whose value is the Distinguished Name of a user that has this role. That is, a node of a role has to have N attributes with the same name and the value of each of them has to be the Distinguished Name of a user.

    Virtual DataPort defines a special role called serveradmin. Having this role is equivalent to being an administrator user of the Virtual DataPort server, except that it does not grant the privilege of connecting to Virtual DataPort via JMX.

    If you want to grant this role to a user of this database, follow the steps above, for the role serveradmin.

  1. Create an LDAP data source that connects to the LDAP server you want to use to check the credentials of users (the section LDAP Sources explains how to create an LDAP data source).


    If the organization adopted a multi-domain environment, you have to select the check box Use GSSAPI SASL authentication mechanism in the LDAP data source.

    Also, the administrator of the LDAP server (usually, Active Directory) has to establish a trust relationship between the domains, to allow authentication of users from all domains.

  2. Create roles in Virtual DataPort (explained in the section Creating Roles) and assign them privileges.

    The name of these roles has to match the names that will be obtained from the LDAP server when authenticating the users of this database.

    With the Wizard “Import Roles from LDAP” wizard, you can easily create in Virtual DataPort all the roles that have been defined in the LDAP server. Note that you still need to assign privileges to the imported roles. The section Creating Roles explains how to use this wizard.

After this, click Database management on the Administration menu. In this dialog, click New database.

Creating a new database with LDAP authentication

Creating a new database with LDAP authentication

You have to provide the following data:

  • Name of the database.

  • Description of the database (optional).

  • Identifiers charset: if you select Default, the database will use the setting configured for the entire Server (see section Identifiers Charset).The section Unicode Identifiers of the VQL Guide explains in detail the differences between the Restricted and the Unicode charset.

  • Authentication type: LDAP.

  • Database: select the database of Virtual DataPort where you have created the LDAP data source.

  • LDAP data source: select the data source.

  • User base: node of the LDAP server that is used as scope to search nodes that represent users.

    You can enter more than one “User base” by clicking on the button image0 beside the User base box. When there is more than one “User base”, the Server searches the user’s node in the first “User base” scope. If the Server does not find the node that represents the user, it searches it in the second “User base” scope. If it also fails, in the third, etc. If the Server does not find the node that represents the user, it denies access to the user.

  • Attribute with user name: name of the attribute that contains the user name of users, in the nodes that represent users.

  • User search pattern: pattern used to generate the LDAP queries that will be executed to obtain the nodes that represent the users that try to connect to the Server.

  • Role base: node of the LDAP server that is used as the scope to search the nodes that represent roles that users of this database can have.

    You can enter more than one “Role base” by clicking on the button image0 beside the “Role base” box. The LDAP query formed with the “Role search” pattern will be executed in every “Role base” scope.

  • Attribute with role name: name of the attribute that contains the name of the role, in the nodes that represent roles.

  • Role search pattern: pattern used to generate the LDAP queries that will be executed to obtain the nodes that represent the roles of a user. This pattern has to contain the token @{USERDN} or @{USERLOGIN} (it cannot contain both):

    • @{USERDN} will be replaced with the Distinguished Name of the user that tries to connect to this database. For example, “CN=john,CN=Users,DC=acme,DC=loc”.

    • @{USERLOGIN} will be replaced with the login name of the user that tries to connect to this database. For example, “john”.

  • Use data source credentials to obtain user roles: when a user tries to connect to a database with LDAP authentication, the Server validates the password she provided and then, it executes a LDAP query to obtain the roles of the user.

    If this check box is selected, the Server executes this LDAP query using the credentials of the LDAP data source selected in the “LDAP data source” list of this dialog.

    If this check box is cleared, the LDAP query is executed using the credentials of the user that is trying to connect to this database.

  • Assign “allusers” role for every connected user: if selected, the Server will grant the privileges of the role “allusers” to all the users that log in successfully even if this role has not been assigned to the user in the LDAP server.

    For example, if you want all users to have read access over a particular database, select this option and grant this privilege to the role “allusers”.

    This option does not modify the roles granted to the user in the LDAP server. This means that if you later clear this check box, the users that log in will not have the privileges granted by the role “allusers” anymore.

The LDAP Authentication Process

This section describes how Virtual DataPort authenticates users that connect to a database with LDAP authentication.

The explanation below also applies for when the user connects to the Server using Kerberos authentication or a web service with SAML authentication.

Let us say that we have created database with LDAP authentication and that the user “john” tries to connect to this database.

  1. The Server performs an LDAP query to obtain the node that represents the user “john”. This LDAP query searches the node whose attribute “Attribute with user name” has the value of the user name provided by the user (in this case “john”), using the “User search pattern” in the “User base” scope. If the query does not return any node and there is more than one “User base”, the Server performs the same search in the second “User base” scope. If it does not find the node, it uses the third “User base”, etc. If it does not find any matching node, the Server denies access to the user.

    To perform these queries, the Server connects to the LDAP server with the credentials of the data source.


If the user wants to perform the LDAP authentication using a login with the domain name (I.e. username@domain.corp) the following configuration property must be set to true.

Notice that changing these settings will take effect when the Virtual DataPort server is restarted.

Also, if the option Use GSSAPI SASL authentication mechanism is selected in the LDAP data source this setting must be set to true.


To reduce the amount of LDAP queries Virtual DataPort executes to authenticate each user, enable the LDAP Roles Cache.

  1. After obtaining the user’s LDAP node, the Server tries to log in the LDAP server with the Distinguished Name (DN) of this node and the password provided by the user. If the password is refused by the LDAP server, the Server denies access to the user.

    This step is skipped if the user connected to the Server using Kerberos authentication or a web service with SAML authentication. The reason is that at this point, the credentials of the user are already validated; this process is to obtain the roles associated to the user.

  2. If the credentials of the user are correct, the Server obtains her roles. To do this, it executes an LDAP query. The query is built replacing the token @{USERDN} or @{USERLOGIN} of “Role search pattern”.

    In this example, the pattern has “@{USERDN}”, which is replaced with the Distinguished Name of the user’s LDAP node. This results in something like this: (&(member=CN=john,CN=Users,DC=acme,DC=loc)(objectClass=group))

    The Server executes this LDAP query in the “Role base” scope, in order to obtain the nodes that represent the user’s roles. If there is more than one “Role base”, the LDAP query will be executed from all the “Role base” scopes and the result is the union of the result of each query.

    If the “Use data source credentials to obtain user roles” check box is selected, the Server executes this LDAP query using the credentials of the LDAP data source associated with the database. Otherwise, the query is executed using the credentials of the user that is trying to connect to this database. When the user connected to the Server using Kerberos authentication or a web service with SAML authentication, the Server also executes this LDAP query using the credentials of the LDAP data source.

  3. After obtaining the roles’ nodes, the Server executes another LDAP query to obtain the name of the roles assigned to the user from the “Attribute with Role name” attribute of these nodes.

    If the check box “Use data source credentials to obtain user roles” of the database’s configuration is selected, the Server uses the credentials of the data source to execute this query. If this check box is cleared, this LDAP query is executed using the credentials of the user that is trying to connect to this database. When the user connected to the Server using Kerberos authentication or a web service with SAML authentication, the Server also executes this LDAP query using the credentials of the LDAP data source.


    If a role name obtained from the LDAP server does not exist in Virtual DataPort, it is ignored and the user will have the privileges of the other roles that do exist. The comparison to search if a role name exists in Virtual DataPort is case insensitive. If none of the role names obtained from the LDAP server exists in Virtual DataPort, “normal” users will not be able to connect to this database (“administrator” users will be able to connect to this database anyway because they by-pass this type of authentication).


In the first step of the authentication process, the Server connects to the LDAP server to search the user’s node. In order to do this, you have to do the following:

  • Configure the “LDAP data source” with a valid “Login” and “Password” so it can connect to the LDAP server to search the appropriate node.

  • Or, configure the LDAP server to allow anonymous queries.

If none of these is possible in your environment, you can by-pass the first step of the authentication process by following these steps. However, in this case the LDAP node’s attribute that stores the user name has to be “cn”.

  1. Enter “cn” in “Attribute with role name”.

  2. If “User search pattern” is empty and the “Attribute with role name” is “cn”, the value of “User base” is used to build the user’s Distinguished Name.

    In this example, when the user “john” tries to connect to a database with the “User pattern” CN=Users,DC=acme,DC=loc, the Distinguished Name used to connect to the LDAP server will be CN=john,CN=Users,DC=acme,DC=loc Then, the Server will use this string as Distinguished Name and the password provided by the user to try to connect to the LDAP server. If it succeeds, it means that the password provided by the user is correct.

The appendix Useful Tools to Debug Issues with Active Directory or Other LDAP Servers contains a list of tools useful to debug problems related to Active Directory and other LDAP servers.

Configuring a Database with LDAP Authentication and Dynamic Groups

In some LDAP services, there are two ways to define membership of a group: statically and dynamically:

  • Static groups: they enumerate their member objects explicitly.

  • Dynamic groups: instead of enumerating their members, they define an LDAP URL that matches only for group members. In dynamic groups, the members do share a common attribute or set of attributes that are defined in the memberURL filter.

When a user connects to a database with LDAP authentication, the Server retrieves the groups that this user belongs to, in order to know her roles.

By default, Virtual DataPort only supports static groups. This section explains how to configure Virtual DataPort to be able to work with LDAP dynamic groups.

There are several options depending on if you want all the databases with LDAP authentication to work with dynamic groups or only some of them. Note that an LDAP authenticated database can work with either static groups or dynamic groups. Not both.

Option 1: All the LDAP authenticated databases will work with dynamic groups but not with static groups.

Execute the following statements on the VQL Shell of the Administration Tool:

SET ''
    = '';

SET ''
    = '<member URL>';

SET ''
    = '<LDAP filter>';

In the second statement, <memberURL> is the attribute that contains the LDAP URL used to obtain the dynamic group of the users.

In the third statement, <LDAP filter> is the filter that matches if an LDAP user is the same user that it is trying to connect to Virtual DataPort (this property will usually contain the @{USERLOGIN} and @{USERDN} variables)

Example of <member URL>: memberURL

Example of <LDAP filter>: &(uid=@{USERLOGIN})

Option 2: all the LDAP authenticated databases will work with dynamic groups, except one.

Execute the following statements on the VQL Shell:

# This statement makes the database <databaseName> work with static
# groups.
SET '[.<databaseName>]' =

SET ''
    = '';

SET ''
    = '<member URL>';

SET ''
    = '<LDAP filter>';

In the first statement, <databasename> is the name of the LDAP-authenticated database that will authenticate users that belong to static groups. The other databases will authenticate users from dynamic groups.

Option 3: one or more LDAP authenticated databases will work with dynamic groups. The other LDAP authenticated databases will work with static groups.

Execute the following statements on the VQL Shell. Execute these statements for each database that you want that it uses dynamic groups.

SET '[.<databaseName>]'
    = 'DynamicLDAPUserGroupRetriever';

SET '<databaseName>.memberURL'
    = '<member URL>';

SET '<databaseName>.userMatchPattern'
    = '<LDAP filter>';

Every time a user connects to an LDAP authenticated database, the Server performs an LDAP query to obtain the groups that the user belongs to. When the database is configured to work with dynamic groups, the Server performs more LDAP searches than with static groups. The reason is that with dynamic groups, the Server launches an additional LDAP search, for each group. If there are a lot of groups, the Server will perform a lot of LDAP searches every time a user connects to that database.

Example of setting up dynamic groups

Follow these steps to create a database called “dynamicdb” that authenticate its users with dynamic groups:

  1. Execute the following statements on the VQL Shell:

    SET ''
        = '';
    SET ''
        = '';
    SET ''
        = 'memberURL';
    SET ''
        = '(&(uid=@{USERLOGIN}))';
  2. Restart the Server and create the database with the following statement:

      'Description: LDAP-Authenticated database (dynamic groups)'
      AUTHENTICATION LDAP admin.ldapds_bertone
      USERBASE = 'ou=users,dc=denodo,dc=com'
      USERSEARCH = '(objectClass=person)'
      ROLEBASE = 'dc=denodo,dc=com'
      ROLESEARCH = '(objectClass=groupOfURLs)';

Configuring the LDAP Roles Cache

When enabling the “LDAP Roles Cache”, Virtual DataPort stores in memory - for a limited time - the roles of each user that logs in to Virtual DataPort using LDAP or Kerberos authentication. This reduces the connection time the next time the same user logs in because Virtual DataPort only has to retrieve the roles of the user from the LDAP server (e.g. Active Directory) the first time this user logs in. When the feature is disabled, Virtual DataPort queries the LDAP server for every log in attempt.

This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, log in with an administrator account and execute this command:

SET '' = 'true';

You do not need to restart Virtual DataPort to apply the change. To disable this feature, execute this command but setting the property to “false”.

The roles of a user are stored in memory for a period of time (by default, 10 minutes). After 10 minutes since the roles of this user were stored in memory, they are removed. The next time this user opens a connection, the roles of this user will be retrieved from the LDAP server again and stored in memory.

To modify the settings of the LDAP Roles Cache, execute the following statements on the VQL Shell:

-- To modify for how long the roles of a user are stored in memory.
-- Default value: 10 minutes
SET '' = '5';

-- To modify the time, in milliseconds, how often the tasks that removes the expired entries from this cache runs.
-- Default value: 60000 (1 minute)
SET '' = '120000';
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