Creating Users¶
To create a user, click User management on the Administration menu. In this dialog, click New user.

Creating a local user¶
In this dialog, you have to provide the following data (see Creating a normal user):
Login and password of the new user.
The login can only contain letters, numbers and underscores. There is no minimum or maximum password length.
Description of the new user (optional)
User type: users can be of the type “Administrator” or “Normal” (user without administration privileges).
Administrator users can perform any action on any database of the Server.
You cannot assign privileges to “Normal” users over databases with “Authentication type” “LDAP”. That is because for these databases, the Server obtains the names of the roles of the users from the LDAP server.
Authentication type. Users can be authenticated with a regular user and password (Normal option) or against an LDAP server registered in Virtual DataPort (see the section LDAP Sources for information on how to register an LDAP server). The data to be completed is different, depending on the selected option:
Normal: you have to provide a password for the new user.
LDAP: you have to provide the following (see Creating a normal user):
LDAP data source. Select the database where the LDAP server required has been registered using the selectable “Database”. Once this has been done, select the LDAP data source using the drop-down “Data source”.
LDAP user. The name of the user in the LDAP server. For example, the value
identifies thetest
user in an organizational unitPeople
for the
The LDAP authentication of users is different from databases with LDAP authentication. When the “Authentication type” of a user is “LDAP”, the LDAP server is only used to check that the password provided by the user is correct. The privileges of this user are still managed from Virtual DataPort. In a database with LDAP authentication, the Server obtains the roles of the user from the LDAP server and the privileges of the user are those assigned to its roles.
We do not recommend creating users with LDAP authentication. Instead, create databases with LDAP authentication, which will simplify the management of users and their privileges. See more about this type of databases in the section Creating a Database with LDAP Authentication.
If an LDAP data source is deleted on cascade (see section Importing SOAP Web Service Sources), then the users depending on it will also be deleted. This operation can only be executed by an administrator user.

Creating an LDAP user¶