Catalog Search¶
The Catalog Search tool searches all the elements in the catalog of the current Virtual DataPort server database. It is located in the menu “Tools > Catalog Search”.
The criteria for searching elements are the following:
Element Type. If the selected element type is “Views”, the user can also select “View Type”, “Swap active” and “Cache Status” as search criteria.
Owner. User name of the user that created the elements.
Last User Modifier. User name of the last user that modified the elements.
Initial Creation Date and End Creation Date. Elements that were created between the “Initial Creation Date” and the “End Creation Date”.
Initial Modification Date and End Modification Date. Elements that were modified between the “Initial Modification Date” and the “End Modification Date”.
Description. Elements that contain the value of this field in its description.
It is possible to open the configuration of an element included in the results by clicking on its name.