Information and Events on Catalog Access (DDL Statements)

The CatalogManagementInfo MBeans provide information about the Data Definition Language (DDL) statements processed by the Server. These MBeans are located in > CatalogManagementInfo > database name.

The MBeans of this type have one attribute: DatabaseName, which indicates the name of the database.

You can subscribe to these MBeans to receive a notification every time one of the following events occurs:

  • The Server processes a statement that affects the metadata of the database (e.g., a new view is created, a view definition is modified, the privileges of a user are changed, etc.).

  • A transaction starts.

  • A transaction ends.

The following fields appear in each notification:

  • Timestamp. Instant at which the notification of the statement is generated in the JMX server.

  • Type. Type of the transaction: start of a transaction (startTransaction), end of a transaction (endTransaction) or execution of a DDL statement (newEvent).

  • UserData. Compound element. Its subproperties depend on the type of notification:

    • Statement executed:

      • DatabaseName: Name of the Virtual DataPort database on which the statement is run.

      • EventID: ID of the notification generated by Virtual DataPort.

      • Time: Instant at which the statement is executed.

      • TransactionID: ID of the transaction within which the statement is executed.

      • Type: Name of the executed operation.

      • UserName: ID of the user running the statement.

      • VQLQuery: VQL code for the statement.

    • Transaction start:

      • Autostarted: Indicates whether the transaction has been explicitly started by the user.

      • DatabaseName: Name of the database on which the transaction is started.

      • EventID: ID of this notification.

      • Time: Instant at which the transaction starts.

      • TransactionID: ID assigned to the starting transaction.

      • UserName: ID of the user starting the transaction.

    • Transaction end:

      • DatabaseName: Name of the database on which the transaction is run.

      • EventID: ID of this notification.

      • Status: Completion status of the transaction (COMMIT or ROLLBACK).

      • Time: Instant at which the transaction finished.

      • TransactionID: ID assigned to the ending transaction.

      • UserName: ID of the user running the transaction.

  • SeqNum: Identifier of this notification.

  • Message:

    • If the execution of a statement is notified: Processed the <event eventId> in transaction <transactionId>.

    • If the start of a transaction is notified: Started the transaction <transactionId>.

    • If the end of a transaction is notified: Finished the transaction <transactionId>.

  • Event: this value is[,databaseName=<dbName>][type=<eventType>][message=<eventmessage>],

    where <dbName> is the name of the Virtual DataPort database, <eventType> can be either startTransaction, endTransaction or newEvent and <eventmessage> takes the same value as in the Message property.

  • Source: name of the MBean.

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