Resources Tab¶
This tab lists the resources published by the Service.

Creating a REST Web service: Resources tab¶
To add a new view, drag it from the Server Explorer to the dialog. The Tool will add the view to the list of resources published by the Service. If you have dragged two views that are linked by an association (see section Primary Keys of Views), the Tool will also add the association to the list of published objects.
To rename the Web service, click on its name and enter the new name. You can only rename a Web service when you are creating, not when you are editing it.
To rename a field of the Web service, click on its name and enter the new name. Also, you can right-click on the field and click Rename. When renaming a field, the Service will publish the field with the new name. In addition, in IDU requests you have to use the new name of the field. This does not affect the RSS representation.
To search for a view or a field in the tree of resources, press Ctrl+F.
In REST Web services, by default, all the fields of the views can be used as input and output fields.
In some scenarios, you may need to remove fields from the output or force clients to provide a value for a field when querying the Web service.
To achieve this, you can change the status of a field to the following:
No searchable: the clients of the Web service will not be able to filter the results by this field. To set a field to “No searchable”, right-click on the field and click Remove from input.
Do not output: the field does not appear in the results. In addition, the clients of the Web service will not be able to order the results by this field, but will be able to filter them by this field. To set a field to “Do not output”, right-click on the field and click Remove from output.
Mandatory: the clients of the Web service will have to provide a value for this field when querying the Web service. To set a field as “Mandatory”, right-click on the field and click Set as mandatory.
To change the status of several fields at once, hold Ctrl or Shift and select the fields you want to modify.
If you do not want to publish a field of a view, you can remove it from the Web service by right-clicking on it and clicking Drop.
If you delete an obligatory field of the view, the clients will not be able to query the view.