Obtaining the Number of Rows of a Result Set¶
To obtain the number of rows of a result set, add the segment $count to the URL.
Obtain the number of rows of the view customer: http://acme:9090/denodo-restfulws/administration_guide/views/customer/$count
Obtain the number of rows of the view customer that meet the condition Country = ‘Mexico’ http://acme:9090/denodo-restfulws/administration_guide/views/customer/$count?Country=Mexico
Obtain the number of rows of the view that meet the condition Country <> ‘France’: http://acme:9090/denodo-restfulws/administration_guide/views/customer/$count?$filter=%22Country%22%3C%3E%27France%27
Depending on the representation requested (HTML, XML or JSON), the result is different:
If you open the URLs above from a browser, the service will return the HTML representation. That is, a table with one column “count” with the number of rows of the result set.
If you request the XML or JSON representations (by adding the parameter $format or with the HTTP header Accept), the service simply returns the number of rows. This number is in plain text; i.e. is not in an XML or a JSON document.
If you request the JSON representation, you can add the parameter $jsoncallback to obtain the number of rows inside a callback function.
For example, the URL http://acme:9090/denodo-restfulws/administration_guide/views/customer/$count?$format=json&$jsoncallback=function1
will return
being 39 the total number of rows in the view customer.
When you add the segment $count
to the URL, the service does not support adding the parameters $start_index
nor $count.