Requests with Input Compound Values¶
The Denodo web services provide two ways of adding a condition by a compound field:
Using the regular syntax of VQL, which is something like this:
WHERE input_array_field = { ROW( 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 'a', true, NULL, NULL, NULL
The URL below uses this syntax to indicate a condition with the array field
http://acme:9090/denodo-restfulws/.../views/V?input_array_field={ ROW( 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 'a', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) }
The value
{ ROW( 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 'a', true, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) }
represents an array of a register. The braces surroundingROW(...)
indicate that the value is an array. Without the braces, it would be a register.The section Management of Compound Values of the VQL Guide describes this syntax.
The other syntax to express conditions with compound values is using a JSON document. For example:
http://acme:9090/denodo-restfulws/.../views/view1?$filter=input_array_field='[{"id":1, "id2": 2, "field1": "a", "field2": true}]'
The two URLs above are equivalent, but this one is simpler because:
You indicate the name of the fields in the register, which makes the condition more readable than in the first syntax where you do not know the field that correspond to each value.
If a field is not present in the JSON document, it means that its value is NULL. The benefit of this is that if you have a lot of NULL values, the value of the parameter is much shorter.
In JSON, the register values start and end with braces. For example:
http://acme:9090/denodo-restfulws/.../views/view1?$filter='register_value={"f1":"value", "boolean_value": true}'
In JSON, the array values start and end with brackets and you separate each register of the array with comma. For example:
http://acme:9090/denodo-restfulws/.../views/view1?$filter='array_value=[{"f1":"value", "boolean_value": true}', {"f1":"value2", "boolean_value": false}']
The URLs above are not escaped to make the examples clearer. However, take into account that the HTTP clients have to escape the values of all the parameters. For example, if you want to invoke this URL:
http://acme:9090/denodo-restfulws/.../views/view1?$filter='array_value=[{"f1":"value", "boolean_value": true}', {"f1":"value2", "boolean_value": false}']
You have to escape it like this:
Restrictions of the JSON syntax
You have to provide the JSON document in the
parameter, not as a value of the field. I.e.?field_name='<json document>'
does not work.Make sure you surround the JSON document in single quotes and you escape the single quotes in the JSON document. To escape a single quote, prefix it with another single quote.