Configuring Runtime Parameters for Stored Procedures

In Virtual DataPort, users can develop custom stored procedures in Java. The API for developing the stored procedures provides methods to run SQL queries and other commands in the Virtual DataPort server in which the stored procedure is running, and process their results. The execution of those sentences is affected by several configuration parameters.

To change these parameters, click the menu Administration > Server configuration and then, click the tab Stored procedures.

Configuration of Stored Procedures runtime parameters

Configuration of Stored Procedures runtime parameters

You can change these parameters:

  • Query timeout (milliseconds): Maximum time the stored procedure will wait for the termination of a sentence. If the value 0 is specified, the procedure will wait indefinitely until the sentence ends.

  • Chunk timeout (milliseconds): This parameter establishes the maximum time the server will wait before returning a new block. If this time is surpassed, Virtual DataPort will return the current block even if it still does not contain the number of results specified by the “Chunk size” parameter. If the “Chunk timeout” parameter is not specified (or receives the value 0), then all the results of the query will be returned in a single block when the sentence execution ends.

  • Chunk size (rows): The results obtained by executing a sentence can be divided into blocks, so it is not needed to wait until a sentence ends to process the already obtained tuples. This parameter establishes the maximum number of results that a block can contain. If Virtual DataPort has obtained enough results to complete a block, they will be immediately returned to the stored procedure. The next results will be returned in new blocks. If this parameter is not specified (or receives the value 0), all the results of the query will be returned in a single block.

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