Setting-Up the OAuth Authentication in the Virtual DataPort Server

To be able to enable OAuth 2.0 authentication on a REST web service, first you have to enable this support at a global level. To do this, on the menu Administration, click Server configuration and then, OAuth 2.0 configuration

Denodo supports two of the approaches have been developed to read an access token and obtain its scopes:

  1. JSON Web Token (JWT)

  2. Token Introspection

You need to select the approach that the identity server of your organization supports.


Select Use JWT to use the mechanism “JSON Web Token (JWT)” to read the access tokens sent by applications.

OAuth JWK configuration wizard

OAuth JWK configuration wizard

In this wizard, provide the following details:

  • Select the signing algorithm: algorithm used by the issuer to sign the tokens. The public key is going to be recovered using the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) located at the URL provided below.

  • Issuer: unique identifier of the entity that issues the JWT tokens.

  • Audience (optional): Identifier of the Denodo server as an intended audience. It must be present in the OAuth access tokens that the client applications will send.

    If the access tokens will not include the field aud (i.e “audience”), leave this field empty. Otherwise, the authentication will fail.

    In this field, you can enter multiple audience values for which the OAuth access token aud field value will be considered valid.

  • JWKS URL: URL to the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) of the public keys that are used to sign the tokens that Virtual DataPort will received. The administrator of the Identity Provider of you organization will provide you with this.

    The configuration properties below control the settings of the HTTP connections to the JWKS URL. To change them, use the command SET:

    • the HTTP connects timeout, in milliseconds, zero for infinite. The default value is 2,000.

    • the HTTP read timeout, in milliseconds, zero for infinite. The default value is 2,000.

    • the HTTP entity size limit, in bytes, zero for infinite. The default value is 51,200.

    • the lifespan, in seconds, of the cached JWK set before it expires, a negative value means no expiration. The default value is 300.

  • Subject field name (default value ‘sub’) (optional): name of the parameter in the token that contains the “subject” of the token. I.e. the username of the user that represents the access token. By default, the value of this field is “sub”, but for some authentication servers it is different.

  • Scope field name (default value ‘scope’) (optional): name of the parameter that contains the scopes of the token. By default, the value of this field is “scope”, but for some authentication servers this could be different.

    In this field, you can enter multiple values. For example, if you enter “scope” and “scp”, when Virtual DataPort processes an OAuth token, it will try to read the value of both parameters. If “scp” does not exist in this token, the request will be executed with the roles of the parameter “scope”. If “scope” does not exist, the request will be executed with the roles of “scp”. If both parameters exist, the request will be executed with the privileges granted to the roles of both parameters.

  • Select Check the JWT Id field if the access token contains a JWT ID that can be validated to prevent replication attacks.

After changing the OAuth 2.0 settings, you need to restart the server.


In order to use the mechanism “Token introspection”, first you need to create a JSON data source. When a web service with OAuth authentication receives a request, this data source will be used to send a request to the identity manager in order to validate that the OAuth access token sent by the client is valid.

According to the standard that defines this mechanism, the requests sent to the introspection endpoint have to meet these requirements:

  • Use an HTTP POST request.

  • The parameters must be URL encoded. The URL is something like

  • The parameter with the access token value is token.

  • The parameter token_type_hint may be used to indicate that the token sent is an access token (the standard value in this case is ‘access_token’).

Check the documentation of the authorization server of your organization to see if the requirements are others.

JSON configuration wizard

JSON configuration wizard

Once you create this data source, enable OAuth 2.0 authentication for web services.

OAuth introspection configuration wizard

OAuth introspection configuration wizard

  • Database: select the database of the JSON data source.

  • JSON data source: select the data source you just created.

  • Access token interpolated variable: field that contains the value of the interpolated variable with the token.

    For example, let us say you created the JSON data source with this URL:

    In this case, the value of this field has to be “access_token”. At runtime, the Denodo server will read the access token from the request and assign it to the interpolation variable “access_token”.

  • Subject field name (default value ‘sub’) (optional): name of the parameter in the token that contains the “subject” of the token. By default, the value of this field is “sub”, but for some authentication servers it is different.

  • Scope field name (default value ‘scope’) (optional): name of the parameter in the token that contains the “scope” of the token. By default, the value of this field is “scope”, but for some authorization servers it is different.

After changing the OAuth 2.0 settings, you need to restart the server.

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