Server Connectivity

To change the connectivity settings of the Virtual DataPort server, click Server configuration on the menu Administration and then, click the tab Server connectivity (see Server connectivity).

In this dialog, you can configure the following:

  • Ports used by the Virtual DataPort server: execution, shutdown and auxiliary ports.

    • The Server port number and the Auxiliary port number are the ports used to communicate between the Virtual DataPort server and its Administration Tool, the Denodo Web container, third-party JDBC clients, etc.

    • The ODBC port number is the port where the server listens to ODBC connections.

  • Port numbers of the Web container embedded in the Denodo Platform.


When the Virtual DataPort Server and the Administration Tool or other clients are installed in different machines, you may need to change the interface that the Server listens to connections. To change this, open the Denodo Control Center, open the Configuration dialog and change the RMI Host of the JVM Options. See more details in the section Denodo Platform Configuration of the Installation Guide.

The reason for this is that in some environments, when listening to localhost, the server does not allow connections from remote hosts.


When the connection between clients and the Virtual DataPort server is established through a firewall, this must be configured to allow the connections to the execution and auxiliary ports.

Server connectivity

Server connectivity

The ports changes will take effect the next time the Virtual DataPort server is launched.

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