Stored Procedures

Virtual DataPort provides an API to develop custom stored procedures written in Java.

This section explains how to import them into the Server.

The section Developing Stored Procedures of the Developer Guide explains how to develop them.

The <DENODO_HOME>/samples/vdp/storedProcedures path contains several examples of stored procedures. The README file in this path describes what they do and contains instructions to compile and install them. The stored procedure CalculateAvgRevenue, included in these examples, will be used in this section.

To follow this example, you must:

  1. Execute the script <DENODO_HOME>/samples/vdp/storedProcedures/scripts/compile_storedprocedures

  2. Load the following Jar file using the Extension Management option: <DENODO_HOME>/samples/vdp/storedProcedures/target/jars/denodo-demo-storedprocedures.jar. This option is located in the menu File > Extension Management. See section Importing Extensions for more information.

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