Database Configuration

After enabling the VCS integration in the Server, you have to enable it for a specific database. To do this, click VCS management on the menu Administration and then, click Databases.

Database-specific VCS management

Database-specific VCS management

In this wizard, configure the VCS settings of the databases. The column “VCS” indicates if the VCS integration is activated for each database.

Click configure to enable/disable version control in a database.

Enabling version control for a database

Enabling version control for a database

In this dialog, you have to provide following:

  • Use version control. Select to enable VCS integration for this database.

  • Use default environment. If selected, the database will use the environment selected for the global VCS configuration.

  • Environment. A database can use an environment different to the one specified in the global VCS configuration.

  • Remote database name. By default, this parameter matches the local database’s name. Changing this parameter’s value allows several local databases to be synchronized against the same version-controlled database. This is useful if there are several developers working on the same version-controlled database in the same server (see section Centralized Workflow with Private Databases).

  • Use default configuration. True by default. Note that regardless the value of this option, the environment and the remote database name of a database can always be configured. If a database is configured not to use the default VCS configuration, all of the parameters explained in the section Virtual DataPort Server Configuration can be overwritten.

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