
All users of Virtual DataPort can log in to the Data Catalog to search and query views and web services. The credentials and privileges users have in the Data Catalog are the same they have when they connect to Virtual DataPort through the administration tool or any other tool. Regular users are limited to search and query views and web services. However, as an administrator of the Data Catalog, you may want to grant power users the privileges to do additional tasks like manage the categories and tags, edit the description of views, assign properties to elements, etc. To do this, you have to assign users the appropriate roles in Virtual DataPort.

The Data Catalog uses the following roles to decide what tasks users can do. These roles are pre-created in Virtual DataPort.

  • Users with the role “data_catalog_editor” can edit the following:

    These users can edit these elements but cannot create new ones nor delete them.

  • Users with the role “data_catalog_classifier” can do the following:

  • Users with the role “data_catalog_manager” can do the following:

    • The same as the users with the roles “data_catalog_editor” and “data_catalog_classifier”

    • Create, modify and delete categories and tags

    • Create, modify and delete property groups

  • Users with the role “data_catalog_content_admin” can do the following:

    • Configure all the options of the page Set-Up / Personalization: search configuration, welcome message, background image…

    • In the page Set-up / Content search <Search Configuration>, configure the following options: “Configure search snippets” (for each Index Server assigned to a VDP server), “Default number of fields in search results summary” and “Maximum number of results per entity in search results summary”.

  • Users with the role “data_catalog_admin” and administrators of Virtual DataPort can do the following:

Administration screen

Administration screen

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