Import and Export Data Catalog Metadata¶
You can export and import the Data Catalog’s configuration and metadata (categories, tags, saved queries, etc.) as a collection of JSON files packed in a zip file. There are three ways of doing this:
From the UI
With a script
Using the API of the Data Catalog.
They are all equivalent. The last two are useful to automate the promotion of categories and tags between environments (e.g. from testing to production).
For all these methods, you need to connect with a user account that is an administrator, or has the role data_catalog_admin or has the role server_admin.
Import and Export Data Catalog Metadata from the UI¶
To export the metadata from the UI, click . The Export dialog will appear. All the servers,
together with its catalog metadata (views, web services, databases,
categories and tags) will be exported. You can choose additional settings to be
exported by checking the corresponding options: Content Search settings,
Personalization settings and Kerberos settings.
By default, Data Catalog encrypts sensitive data within the export file using a fixed export key, so every installation is able to import the metadata. This makes it easier to transfer the settings from one server to another but it can be considered a security risk. If you want, you can encrypt the sensitive data with a custom export key. Follow these steps:
Enable the option Use custom password for sensitive data encryption.
Enter the custom export key in the Custom password field.
Enter the custom export key again in the Confirm custom password field.
You will need to provide the custom export key when importing this export file. Otherwise, the import will fail.

Export Dialog¶
To import the metadata from the UI, click . The Import dialog will appear. Here you can drag &
drop a metadata file previously exported or select one in the file chooser by clicking the drop area.
If the Data Catalog already contains some metadata, you can override it by checking the Override existing
metadata option.
If the export file was exported with a custom export key, you must provide it as follows:
Enable the option Use custom password for sensitive data encryption.
Enter the custom export key in the Custom password field.

Import Dialog¶
Import and Export Data Catalog Metadata Using a Script¶
To export and import the metadata of the Data Catalog use the script export
and import
located at <DENODO_HOME>/tools/data-catalog
Export Data Catalog Metadata
export -h <host> -p <port> -l <login> [ -P <password> ]
[ -s <Virtual DataPort server> ]
-f <output file>
[ -contentSearch ] [ -personalization ] [ -kerberos ] [ -https ] [ -mp <encryption password> ]
Execute export ?
to see the syntax to invoke this tool.
Parameter Name |
Description |
? |
Shows the help. |
-h |
Host name or IP of the Data Catalog |
-p |
Port of the Data Catalog (by default is 9090) |
-l |
Login to connect to the Data Catalog. This has to be an administrator account. |
-P |
Password to connect to the Data Catalog. You can encrypt your
password using the
That way you can avoid
entering it in plain
If the password is encrypted, prefix it with
-s |
Virtual DataPort server. You have to specify this if there is more than one server registered with the Data Catalog. Otherwise, it is optional. |
-f |
Output file |
-contentSearch |
Export the content search settings. |
-personalization |
Export the personalization settings. |
-kerberos |
Export the Kerberos settings. |
-https |
Add this parameter to establish an HTTPS connection with the Data Catalog. Without this, the script connects to the Data Catalog with HTTP. |
-mp, --metadata-password |
Custom password used for sensitive data encryption If the password is encrypted, prefix it with
export -h localhost -p 9090 -l admin -P "encrypted:Gr16MjvuXhRzPtPH/yTXHw==" -f -contentSearch -personalization -https -mp encrypted:yyyyyy
Import Data Catalog Metadata
import -h <host> -p <port> -l <login> [ -P <password> ]
[ -s <Virtual DataPort server> ]
-f <input file>
[ -override ] [ -https ] [ -mp <encryption password> ]
Execute import ?
to see the syntax to invoke this tool.
Parameter Name |
Description |
? |
Shows the help. |
-h |
Host name or IP of the Data Catalog |
-p |
Port of the Data Catalog (by default is 9090) |
-l |
Login to connect to the Data Catalog. This has to be an administrator account. |
-P |
Password to connect to the Data Catalog You can encrypt your
password using the
That way you can avoid
entering it in plain
If the password is encrypted, prefix it with
-s |
Virtual DataPort server. You have to specify this if there is more than one server registered with the Data Catalog. Otherwise, it is optional. |
-f |
Input file |
-override |
Add this to override the Data Catalog metadata and configuration parameters. |
-https |
Add this parameter to establish an HTTPS connection with the Data Catalog. Without this, the script connects to the Data Catalog with HTTP. |
-mp, --metadata-password |
Custom password used for sensitive data encryption If the password is encrypted, prefix it with
import -h localhost -p 9090 -l admin -P "encrypted:Gr16MjvuXhRzPtPH/yTXHw==" -f -override -https -mp yyyyyyy