Query a Web Service

From the “Query” tab, you can query REST web services (this option is not available for SOAP web services).

This tab is pretty similar to the one already explained in section Query of Views.

To display all the data of the web service, just let the “Query Setup” empty and click image0. You can also add conditions to filter the data obtained from the web service.

Click image5 to open a popup with the URL invoked to execute that query. Click image6 to copy the URL of the query to the clipboard.

Copy URL of REST Web Service

In the case of web services, the “Query Setup” allows you to select the resource to query.

For instance, if in Virtual DataPort you deployed the web service of the figure below, you can query the resource “department” (and choose whether to include the link to its employees in the results table), or query the “employee” resource (in this case, you can expand the association to its “department”).

REST Web Service deployed in Virtual DataPort

REST Web Service deployed in Virtual DataPort

Query REST Web Service

Query REST Web Service

Regarding the “Query Results”, the same considerations explained for views apply here, except that, in this case, binary fields are shown as “[BINARY DATA]” and contain a link to download their content.

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