Creating a DSN-Less Connection

Some ODBC tools support connecting to an ODBC server without using a data source name (DSN). This is known as a DSN-less connection.

This section lists the parameters you have to use to create a DSN-less connection to Virtual DataPort.

DSN-less connection from a 64-bit client
DRIVER={DenodoODBC Unicode(x64)};UID=<user account>;PWD=<password of the user>;SERVER=<host name>;DATABASE=<database name>;PORT=9996;SSLmode=prefer;service=;krbsrvname=HTTP;UserAgent=<user agent>;ReadOnly=0;Protocol=7.4-1;FakeOidIndex=0;ShowOidColumn=0;RowVersioning=0;ShowSystemTables=0;ConnSettings=set+i18n+to+us%5fpst%3b;Fetch=100;Socket=4096;UnknownSizes=0;MaxVarcharSize=255;MaxLongVarcharSize=8190;Debug=0;CommLog=0;Optimizer=0;Ksqo=0;UseDeclareFetch=1;TextAsLongVarchar=1;UnknownsAsLongVarchar=0;BoolsAsChar=0;Parse=0;CancelAsFreeStmt=0;ExtraSysTablePrefixes=dd_;LFConversion=1;UpdatableCursors=0;DisallowPremature=0;TrueIsMinus1=0;BI=0;ByteaAsLongVarBinary=0;UseServerSidePrepare=0;LowerCaseIdentifier=0;PreferLibpq=1;GssAuthUseGSS=0;XaOpt=3;UseKerberos=0
DSN-less connection from a 32-bit client
DRIVER={DenodoODBC Unicode};UID=<user account>;PWD=<password of the user>;SERVER=<host name>;DATABASE=<database name>;PORT=9996;PWD=;SSLmode=prefer;service=;krbsrvname=HTTP;UserAgent=<user agent>;ReadOnly=0;Protocol=7.4-1;FakeOidIndex=0;ShowOidColumn=0;RowVersioning=0;ShowSystemTables=0;ConnSettings=set+i18n+to+us%5fpst%3b;Fetch=100;Socket=4096;UnknownSizes=0;MaxVarcharSize=255;MaxLongVarcharSize=8190;Debug=0;CommLog=0;Optimizer=0;Ksqo=0;UseDeclareFetch=1;TextAsLongVarchar=1;UnknownsAsLongVarchar=0;BoolsAsChar=0;Parse=0;CancelAsFreeStmt=0;ExtraSysTablePrefixes=dd_;LFConversion=1;UpdatableCursors=0;DisallowPremature=0;TrueIsMinus1=0;BI=0;ByteaAsLongVarBinary=0;UseServerSidePrepare=0;LowerCaseIdentifier=0;PreferLibpq=1;GssAuthUseGSS=0;XaOpt=3;UseKerberos=0

About the examples above:

  • To use the examples above, replace <user account>, <password of the user>, <host name> and <database name> and <user agent>. If you changed the default ODBC port, replace 9996 with the actual ODBC port of Virtual DataPort.

  • Note that the value of the property DRIVER has to be {DenodoODBC Unicode} or {DenodoODBC Unicode(x64)} depending on if you are creating the connection from a 32-bit client or a 64-bit one, respectively.

  • When using DSN-less connections, you may not be able to connect if the password contains the following characters four: %, {, } and +. If so you may need to escape these characters: % as %25, + as %2B, { as %7B and } as %7D.

  • To use Kerberos authentication:

    1. Remove the parameters UID and PWD.

    2. Set parameter UseKerberos to 1.

    3. The value of the property SERVER has to be the fully qualified domain name of the Denodo server. That is, if in the Kerberos configuration of the Denodo server the field Server principal is HTTP/, enter

    4. Usually, the default value of krbsrvname is correct. This value has to match the “service class” of the Service Principal Name of the Server. For example, if in the field Server Principal of the Kerberos settings of the Server, you have HTTP/, the value of krbsrvname has to be HTTP.


Do not leave any space between the names of parameters, the equal symbol, the values, the semicolon, etc.

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