Configuring a Custom Wrapper

A CUSTOM wrapper can be configured with the getConfiguration method. This method must return an instance of the CustomWrapperConfiguration class, which encapsulates the following configuration parameters:

  • delegateProjections (true by default). Defines whether a CUSTOM wrapper can deal with projected fields when being queried.

  • delegateCompoundFieldProjections (true by default). Defines whether a CUSTOM wrapper can deal with compound projected fields when being queried.

  • delegateOrConditions (false by default). Defines whether a CUSTOM wrapper can deal with OR conditions, as in WHERE F1 = 1 OR F1 = 2 in SQL.

  • delegateNotConditions (false by default). Defines whether a CUSTOM wrapper can deal with NOT conditions, as in WHERE NOT (F1 = 1) in SQL.

  • delegateArrayLiterals (false by default). Defines whether a CUSTOM wrapper can deal with conditions containing arrays (as in MY_INT_ARRAY = { ROW( 1 ), ROW( 2 ) }).

  • delegateRegisterLiterals (false by default). Defines whether a CUSTOM wrapper can deal with conditions containing registers (as in MY_REGISTER = ROW( 1, 'A' )).

  • delegateLeftLiterals (false by default). Defines whether a CUSTOM wrapper can deal with conditions with literals in their left side (as in 100 = FIELD).

  • delegateRightFields (false by default). Defines whether a CUSTOM wrapper can deal with conditions with fields in their right side (as in FIELD1 = FIELD2).

  • delegateRightLiterals (true by default). Defines whether a CUSTOM wrapper can deal with conditions with literals in their right side (as in FIELD1 = 100).

  • delegateOrderBy (false by default). Defines whether a CUSTOM wrapper can deal with ORDER BY expressions.

  • allowedOperators (by default, an array containing the operator =). Defines which operators are supported in the conditions passed to the CUSTOM wrapper.

    The Javadoc of the method setAllowedOperators(...) of the class CustomWrapperConfiguration lists all the possible operators.

The values for all of these properties can be obtained and defined by means of the appropriate getters and setters.

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