Dealing with Conditions

Conditions passed to a Custom wrapper as arguments for its run, delete and update methods (see sections Extending AbstractCustomWrapper and Overriding AbstractCustomWrapper) come encapsulated in instances of CustomWrapperConditionHolder. The objects of this class contain two versions of the conditions passed to the Custom wrapper:

  • A simplified version, available by calling the getConditionMap method. This version consists on an association between CustomWrapperFieldExpressions and Objects. For example, if we have a condition map like { FIELD1 - 100; FIELD2 - 'foo' }, it means that the condition passed to the CUSTOM wrapper is FIELD1 = 100 AND FIELD2 = 'foo'. For a condition to be available as a map, it must match the pattern FIELD_1 = value [AND FIELD_N = value]*, in other case the getConditionMap method will return null. Conversion to map can be forced by calling the getConditionMap(boolean force) method, passing true as the value for force. Take into account that in this case the returned map may not be equivalent to the original condition.

  • A CustomWrapperCondition instance. This version is available by calling the getComplexCondition method.

CustomWrapperCondition is the superclass of all the types of conditions that can be supported by a Custom wrapper:

  • CustomWrapperSimpleCondition represents a simple condition. It holds the left expression (a CustomWrapperExpression object), an operator and the right expression (an array of CustomWrapperExpression objects). The right expression is stored in array, which usually contains only one expression but may contain more for operators such as CONTAINSAND or CONTAINSOR that may have several parameters.


    The operators “containsand” and “containsor” are deprecated and they are going to be removed in the next major version (Denodo Platform 8.0).

    The section Features Deprecated in Virtual DataPort 7.0 lists all the features that are deprecated.

  • CustomWrapperAndCondition represents a series of conditions joined by the AND operator. It holds a list of CustomWrapperCondition objects.

  • CustomWrapperOrCondition represents a series of conditions joined by the OR operator. It holds a list of CustomWrapperCondition objects.

  • CustomWrapperNotCondition represents a negated condition. It holds a CustomWrapperCondition.

CustomWrapperExpression is the superclass of all the types of expressions supported by a Custom wrapper:

  • CustomWrapperFieldExpression. This is the most common type of expression in a condition’s left side. See section Overriding AbstractCustomWrapper for details.

  • CustomWrapperSimpleExpression. This kind of expression has a type (one of the types defined in java.sql.Types) and a value.

  • CustomWrapperFunctionExpression. Represents a function with parameters. This type of expression has a name, an optional modifier (ALL or DISTINCT), a list of parameters (instances of CustomWrapperFunctionParameter) and the property of being an aggregation function or not. A CustomWrapperFunctionParameter contains a list of CustomWrapperExpressions.

  • CustomWrapperConditionExpression. Represents a condition parameter in a CASE function. Contains a CustomWrapperCondition.

  • CustomWrapperContainsExpression. Represents an expression with the CONTAINS operator. Contains a literal and a search expression.

  • CustomWrapperArrayExpression. Contains a list of CustomWrapperExpressions, all of the same kind.

  • CustomWrapperRegisterExpression. Contains a list of CustomWrapperExpressions of any kind.

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