The Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool is a web application that relies on a Virtual DataPort server to operate.
The figure below shows the main architecture when it is used to monitor several servers, i.e., when it is used to display real-time information about the status of several Denodo servers.

Architecture of the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool when monitoring some servers¶
The components of this architecture are:
The Denodo servers you are going to monitor.
The Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool web application. It connects to the JMX interface of the Denodo servers to gather real-time information about their status.
The Virtual DataPort server of the same Denodo installation where this Tool is installed (in the diagram, “Diagnostic & Monitoring Virtual DataPort Server”).
The Tool uses this Virtual DataPort server to:
Authenticate its users: to log in, users have to provide the same credentials they use when they connect to Virtual DataPort using the JDBC driver or the administration tool.
During a diagnostic of a Denodo server, to query the logging data generated by that Denodo server and the Denodo Monitor that is monitoring that server.
The next figure shows the architecture of the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool when is used to diagnose several Virtual DataPort servers.

Architecture of the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool when diagnoses several servers¶
During a diagnostic, the Tool creates several data sources and views on the local Virtual DataPort server to process the logs of the Virtual DataPort server (vdp.log, vdp.log.1…) and the logs produced by the Denodo Monitor that is monitoring this server (vdp-threads.log, vdp-resources.log…). During the diagnostic tasks, the Tool sends queries to the local Virtual DataPort server to obtain information from the logs.