Authentication and Authorization

To access the Denodo Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool from the local machine, connect to http://localhost:9090/diagnostic-monitoring-tool. You will see the login dialog, as shown in Authentication dialog in the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool.

Authentication dialog in the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool

Authentication dialog in the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool

Before clicking “Login”, you can click the icon image1 to change the database that will be used to check your credentials. Your user account must have the CONNECT privilege on this database.

The credentials introduced in the login dialog are reused in the communications with the Diagnostic & Monitoring Virtual DataPort when you perform a diagnostic intervention. All the diagnostic-related metadata is stored in the same database. The Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool creates the diagnostic database the first time you create a diagnostic, so make sure you use an administrator user of the Diagnostic & Monitoring Virtual DataPort. Next time you want to create a diagnostic, you only need a user with the ADMIN privilege on the diagnostic database.

A user is considered an administrator of the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool if she is granted with the diagnostic_monitoring_tool_admin role. The administrator is the only user who can change the server configuration of the tool.

Once you successfully log in the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool, you will access to the main window.

Main window of the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool

Main window of the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool

This window is divided into three areas:

  1. Header: You will find here the logout link and, under the Options menu, the configuration of the tool.

  2. Tree area: Here you can create servers or environments to monitor, load diagnostic information or create diagnostic intervals on it and import or export the whole environment. At the bottom, you can unfold a menu with extra information about the selected node.

  3. Working area: the data you are Monitoring or diagnosing is presented here organized by tabs.

Kerberos Authentication

The Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool supports Single Sign-On using the Kerberos protocol. To enable Kerberos authentication in the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool, you have to:

  1. Perform the post-installation tasks described in the section Setting-up Kerberos Authentication of the Installation Guide.

  2. Enable Kerberos in the Diagnostic & Monitoring Virtual DataPort Server, as described in the section Setting-Up the Kerberos Authentication in the Virtual DataPort Server of the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide.

  3. Configure Kerberos in your browser.


Provide an absolute path when you enter the path to the keytab file in the Kerberos configuration of the Diagnostic & Monitoring Virtual DataPort Server.

If Kerberos authentication is properly configured, the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool will automatically authenticate you and show you its home page.

Authentication dialog with Single Sign-On in the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool

Authentication dialog with Single Sign-On in the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool


To access the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool Server, remember to use the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Server Principal Name you configured in the Diagnostic & Monitoring Virtual DataPort Server. For example, if your Server Principal Name is HTTP/, you should access the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool through the URL or

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