Example of How a Search Method Is Created

The figure Example of how a search method is created with ALTER TABLE shows an example of how to add a search method to a view.

Example of how a search method is created with ALTER TABLE
    ADD SEARCHMETHOD bookview_sm1 (
            ADD TITLE (any) OBL ONE
            ADD AUTHOR (like) OPT ONE
            ADD FORMAT NOS ZERO ()
            ADD PRICE NOS ZERO ()
    WRAPPER (itp booktest)

This example adds a search method called bookview_sm1 to the base view bookview. This search method has four query constraints. They indicate that to make a query to the source, the query has to provide a value for TITLE (specifying any number of values). Optionally, a search can be made for the attribute AUTHOR (specifying any number of values) and the operator like. Direct queries for the rest of the attributes (FORMAT, PRICE, etc.) are not admitted. Furthermore, the search method definition indicates that all the attributes appear in the output. Finally, the WWW-type wrapper (wrapper created with ITPilot) called booktest is associated with the search method. It will be responsible for extracting the results, when a query is executed using this search method.


Although the source does not natively support queries for specific attributes (in the previous example this occurs with FORMAT, PRICE, etc.), Virtual DataPort can execute some of the queries on those attributes through post-processing of the results obtained from the sources. For example, if the server receives the query SELECT * FROM BOOKVIEW WHERE TITLE like 'java' AND FORMAT = 'eBook', Virtual DataPort is capable of responding by extracting from the source the books that contain the word java in the title (as the source does allow this query) and later filter the results to remain with those whose field FORMAT is eBook.

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