Modifying and Deleting Users

The command LIST USERS returns the list of users in the Server.

The command DESC USER <user name> returns information about a user, including her access rights over the existing databases, views and stored procedures. Administrator users can access all the data of any user. The remaining users can only obtain their own data.

Administrator users can remove users from the server using the DROP USER statement (see section Removing Elements from the Catalog). The predefined “admin” administrator cannot be deleted.

Modifying User Data

With the statement ALTER USER, you can modify the privileges granted to a user, change its password and/or description.

Syntax of the ALTER USER statement
ALTER USER <name:identifier>
    [ <authentication> ]
    [ <description:literal> ]
    [ <grant> ]*

<authentication> ::=
      PASSWORD <password:literal> ENCRYPTED SHA512
    | LDAP (
          [ DATASOURCE <databaseName:identifier>.<dataSourceName:identifier> ]
          [ USERNAME <name:literal> ]

<grant> ::= (see section Granting Privileges to a User/Role)

The main uses of the ALTER USER statement are:

  • Changing the password of a user. Users usually do that from the administration tool because it implies sending the password encrypted with a hash (SHA512) and not the actual password.

  • Modifying the privileges granted to a user. Only administrator users or users with the role “assignprivileges” can do this. See more about this in the section Modifying the Privileges of a User).

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