Creating and Modifying Virtual DataPort Databases

The commands to manage a Virtual DataPort database are:

  • CREATE DATABASE: creates a new database. See the syntax below. Only administrators can run this.

  • ALTER DATABASE: modifies an existing database. See the syntax below. Only administrators can run this.

  • DESC VQL DATABASE: obtains the VQL statements of the elements of the database.

  • LIST DATABASES: returns the names of all the databases. For non-administrators, this command only returns the databases over which the user has the CONNECT privilege.

  • DROP DATABASE: deletes a database. When a database is deleted all its components are deleted as well (data sources, views, base views…). Only administrators can run this.

Syntax of the CREATE DATABASE statement
CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] DATABASE <name:identifier> [ <description:literal> ]
    [ VCS
      {   OFF
        | ON
          {   (
                [ ENVIRONMENT = <identifier> ]
                [ REMOTEDB = <identifier> ]
                [ PROPERTIES ( <literal> = <literal> [, <literal> = <literal> ]* ) ]
            | (
                URL = <literal>
                SYSTEM = <literal>
                REMOTEDB = <identifier>
                [ USER = <literal> ]
                [ PASSWORD = <literal> ] [ ENCRYPTED ]
                [ ENVIRONMENT = <identifier> ]
                [ PROPERTIES ( <literal> = <literal> [, <literal> = <literal> ]* ) ]
      {   LOCAL
        | LDAP <database name:identifier>.<ldap data source name:identifier>
          USERBASE = <literal> [ , <literal> ]*
          USERATTRIBUTENAME = <literal>
          USERSEARCH = <literal>
          ROLEBASE = <literal> [ , <literal> ]*
          ROLEATTRIBUTENAME = <literal>
          ROLESEARCH = <literal>
          [ WITH_ALLUSERS_ROLE ]
    [ <grant> ]*

<grant> ::= (see section Granting Privileges by Databases)

Description of the main parameters of CREATE DATABASE:

  • The Unicode support (CHARSET parameter).

    If UNICODE, the identifiers of elements can have any character.

    If RESTRICTED, the identifiers of elements can only have some characters.

    If DEFAULT, the database will use the default configuration of the Server.

    See more about this in the section Identifiers Charset of the Administration Guide.

    The value of this parameter only determines which characters can users use when creating/editing views from the Administration Tool. It does not affect the behavior of the Server.

  • Add the clause ODBC AUTHENTICATION KERBEROS to enable Kerberos authentication for ODBC/ clients. The section Access Through ODBC of the Developer Guide explains how to configure a DSN so ODBC clients use Kerberos authentication.

  • CHECK_VIEW_RESTRICTIONS: the section Enforcing Column Privileges, Row Restrictions and Custom Policies of the Administration Guide explains the implications of changing this parameter.

Version Control System

The Version Control Systems integration (VCS) support can be configured for a database (for more details see the section Version Control Systems Integration of the Administration Guide). VCS can be deactivated, activated with the default configuration (the global configuration of the Server) and activated with specific configuration:

  • Deactivated: VCS OFF.

  • Activated with default configuration: VCS ON. There are several parameters that can be configured even if the database uses the default VCS configuration:

    • ENVIRONMENT. A different environment than the Server’s default one can be specified.

    • REMOTEDB. The database can be synchronized against a remote database named differently.

    • Activated with specific configuration: also VCS ON, but with a different set of parameters. In this case there are more parameters that can be configured, in addition to ENVIRONMENT and REMOTEDB:

    • URL. The URL of the version control repository that is going to be used.

    • SYSTEM. The version control system to be used (currently, “svn” is supported).

    • USER. An optional user name to access the repository.

    • PASSWORD (optionally ENCRYPTED). The password corresponding to the specified user name.

    • If your repository is Git, you can choose the branch repository associated with this database. To do this, pass the parameter PROPERTIES ('branch'='<name of the branch>').

Authentication Method

A Virtual DataPort database can have one of these two types of access control:

  1. Local access control (AUTHENTICATION LOCAL). That is, the users that access Virtual DataPort have to be created in Virtual DataPort (these users are the ones created in the section Managing Users).

  2. LDAP access control (AUTHENTICATION LDAP). That means that the authentication of users is delegated to an LDAP server. The benefit of this option is that you can rely on an LDAP server to authenticate users without having to explicitly creating them in Virtual DataPort.

    The Server also obtains the names of the roles that the users belong to, from the LDAP server. The Server uses these roles to check which actions the users can execute.


    If the authentication method of this database is LDAP, read the section Creating Databases of the Administration Guide. It explains several steps you have to do before creating the database. It also contains a more detailed explanation of the following parameters.

    If the parameter AUTHENTICATION is not present, the new database will have “Local access control”.

    List of parameters you have to provide when configuring a database with LDAP authentication:

    • database name: Virtual DataPort database where there is an LDAP data source that connects to the LDAP server that will be used to authenticate users.

    • ldap data source name: the name of the LDAP data source.

    • USERBASE: node of the LDAP server that is used as scope to search nodes that represent users. If this parameter has multiple values, the Server searches the user’s node in the first USERBASE. If the Server does not find the node that represents the user, it searches it in the second USERBASE scope. If it also fails, in the third, etc. If the Server does not find the node that represents the user, it denies access to the user.

    • USERATTRIBUTENAME: name of the attribute that contains the user name of users, in the nodes that represent users.

    • USERSEARCH: pattern used to generate the LDAP queries that will be executed to obtain the nodes that represent the users that try to connect to the Server.

    • ROLEBASE: node of the LDAP server that is used as the scope to search the nodes that represent roles that users of this database can have. If this parameter has multiple values, the Server executes the LDAP query formed with the pattern ROLESEARCH from all the nodes indicated in this parameter.

    • ROLEATTRIBUTENAME: name of the attribute that contains the name of the role, in the nodes that represent roles.

    • ROLESEARCH: pattern used to generate the LDAP queries that will be executed to obtain the nodes that represent the roles of a user. This pattern has to contain the token @{USERDN} or @{USERLOGIN} (it cannot contain both):

      • @{USERDN} will be replaced with the Distinguished Name of the user that tries to connect to this database. For example, “CN=john,CN=Users,DC=acme,DC=loc”.

      • @{USERLOGIN} will be replaced with the login name of the user that tries to connect to this database. For example, “john”.

    • ROLESSEARCHAUTHENTICATION: when a user tries to connect to a database with LDAP authentication, the Server validates the password she provided and then, it executes a LDAP query to obtain the roles of the user. If the ROLESSEARCHAUTHENTICATION clause is present, the Server executes this LDAP query using the credentials of the LDAP data source associated with the database. Otherwise, this query is executed using the credentials of the user that is trying to connect to this database.

    • WITH_ALLUSERS_ROLE: if present, the Server will grant the privileges of the role “allusers” to all the users that log in successfully into this database, even if this role is not assigned to the user in the LDAP server.

      Adding this clause to the statement is equivalent to selecting the check box “Assign “allusers” role for every connected user” in the “Create New Database” dialog.

      The section Creating a Database with LDAP Authentication of the Administration Guide explains this option.

Syntax of the ALTER DATABASE statement
ALTER DATABASE <name:identifier> [ <description:literal> ]
    [ VCS
      {   OFF
        | ON
          {   (
                [ ENVIRONMENT = <identifier> ]
                [ REMOTEDB = <identifier> ]
                [ PROPERTIES ( <literal> = <literal> [, <literal> = <literal> ]* ) ]
            | (
                URL = <literal>
                SYSTEM = <literal>
                REMOTEDB = <identifier>
                [ USER = <literal> ]
                [ PASSWORD = <literal> ] [ ENCRYPTED ]
                [ ENVIRONMENT = <identifier> ]
                [ PROPERTIES ( <literal> = <literal> [, <literal> = <literal> ]* ) ]
          LOCAL [ <grant> ]*
        | LDAP <database_name:identifier>.<ldap_data_source_name:identifier>
          USERBASE = <literal> [ , <literal> ]*
          USERATTRIBUTENAME = <literal>
          USERSEARCH = <literal>
          ROLEBASE = <literal> [ , <literal> ]*
          ROLEATTRIBUTENAME = <literal>
          ROLESEARCH = <literal>
          [ WITH_ALLUSERS_ROLE ]
    [ CACHE
        {   DEFAULT
          | [ ON | OFF ] (
              [ MAINTENANCE { OFF | ON } ]
              [ MAINTAINERPERIOD <seconds:integer> ]
              [ TIMETOLIVE { <seconds:integer> | DEFAULT | NOEXPIRE } ]
              [ DATASOURCE { DEFAULT | CUSTOM | <data_source_name:identifier> DATABASE <database_name:identifier> } ]
        {   DEFAULT
          | ( SWAP [ ON | OFF ] (
                [ SWAPSIZE <megabytes:integer> ]
                [ SWAPBLOCKSIZE <megabytes:integer> ]
              [ MAXRESULTSIZE <megabytes:integer> ]
              [ MAXQUERYSIZE <megabytes:integer> ]
    [ <grant> ]*

With this statement, you can modify among others, the following settings of a database:

  • The description of the database.

  • The authentication mode to LDAP or normal.

  • If the authentication mode is not LDAP, change the access privileges of users over the database (see section Granting Privileges by Databases).

  • The default preferences of the cache configuration of the database (see section Using the Cache), the swapping to disk of intermediate results of queries (see section Configuring Swapping Policies) and the locale of the database.

  • The MEMORYCONFIG clause corresponds with the settings of the dialog Memory Usage of the Database management wizard (menu Administration > Database management of the Administration Tool).

Description of the main parameters of ALTER DATABASE (others are already described above, in CREATE DATABASE):

  • COST OPTIMIZATION: this clause enables/disables the cost-based optimization feature for this database. You can read more about this feature in the section Cost-Based Optimization of the Administration Guide.

    • If ON, the feature is enabled for this database.

    • If OFF, the feature is disabled for this database.

    • If DEFAULT, the feature is enabled in this database if it is enabled for the entire Virtual DataPort server. You can see if it is enabled in the dialog “Queries optimization” of the “Administration” menu. Look for the option “Automatic cost-based optimization”.

  • QUERY SIMPLIFICATION: this clause enables/disables the automatic simplification of queries for this database. You can read more about this feature in the section Automatic Simplification of Queries of the Administration Guide.

    • If ON, the feature is enabled for this database.

    • If OFF, the feature is disabled for this database.

    • If DEFAULT, the feature is enabled in this database if it is enabled for the entire Virtual DataPort server. You can see if it is enabled in the dialog “Queries optimization” of the “Administration” menu. Look for the option “Automatic simplification of queries”.

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