Creating Folders

The elements created in Virtual DataPort can be organized in folders. These are: data sources, stored procedures, wrappers, views, Web services and widgets.

Although these elements can be organized in folders, you cannot create two elements with the same name in a database, even if they are located different folders.

Syntax of the CREATE FOLDER statement
CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] FOLDER <folder_name:literal>
[ DESCRIPTION <description> ]

folder_name is the full path of the new folder. That means that this parameter has to start with the character /. For example, CREATE FOLDER '/folder1'.

If you want to create a subfolder /folderA/subfolderA, you have to create the folder folderA first and then, the subfolderA (see below).

Creating a subfolder
CREATE FOLDER '/folderA/subfolderA'

To manage an existing folder and its contents, use the statement ALTER FOLDER. With it, you can do the following actions:

  • Change the description of a folder: ALTER FOLDERDESCRIPTION

  • Rename a folder: ALTER FOLDERRENAME

  • Move a folder to a different location ALTER FOLDERRENAME

  • Move an element (data source, view, etc.) to another folder

  • Copy an element (data source, view, etc.): ALTER FOLDER COPY

Syntax of the statement ALTER FOLDER
ALTER FOLDER <source folder name:literal> <operation>

<operation> ::=
    RENAME <target folder name:literal> [ DESCRIPTION <description:literal> ]
  | DESCRIPTION <description:literal>
  | MOVE <element> <name:identifier>
  | COPY <element> <element old name:identifier> AS <element new name:identifier>

<element> ::=
    DATASOURCE <datasource type>
  | WRAPPER <wrapper type>
  | VIEW

<data source type> ::=
  | DF
  | GS
  | JDBC
  | JSON
  | LDAP
  | ODBC
  | OLAP
  | WS
  | XML

<wrapper type> ::=
    <data source type>
  | ITP

To change the description of a folder, execute the command ALTER FOLDER <folder-name> DESCRIPTION....

For example:

Changing the description of an existing folder
ALTER FOLDER '/folder for data sources'
    DESCRIPTION 'This folder will contain data sources';

To rename a folder, execute the command ALTER FOLDER <folder-name> RENAME...

The following statement changes the name of the folder folder for data sources to folder_for_ds.

Renaming a folder
ALTER FOLDER '/folder for data sources'
    RENAME '/folder_for_ds';

You also have to use this syntax to move a folder into another folder. The following statement moves the folder /folder_for_ds into the folder /folderA.

Moving a folder into another folder
ALTER FOLDER '/folder_for_ds'
    RENAME '/folderA/folder_for_ds';

To move an element to another folder, execute ALTER FOLDER <folder_name> MOVE... being folder_name the target folder.

Depending on the element that you want to move, you have to use the parameter DATASOURCE JDBC, DATASOURCE ODBC..., TABLE (for moving base views), VIEW (for moving combined views), etc.

The following statement moves a data source JDBC into the folder /folderA.

Moving a JDBC data source to a folder
    MOVE DATASOURCE JDBC ds_jdbc_internet_inc;

To copy an element, execute the command ALTER FOLDER <folder_name> COPY... being folder_name the target folder for the new element. The syntax is similar to ALTER FOLDER ... MOVE, but with AS <element new name:identifier> at the end to indicate the name of the target folder.

Remember that you cannot create two elements in the same database, with the same name and type, even if they are in different folders.

The following statement copies a Web service data source into the folder folderA.

Copying a Web service data source
    COPY DATASOURCE WS ds_ws_sales AS ds_ws_sales_2;

Use the DROP FOLDER... statement to delete a folder (see Syntax of the DROP statement)

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