BAPI Data Sources

Virtual DataPort can invoke SAP BAPIs (Business Application Programming Interfaces) to obtain data stored in SAP ERP and other SAP applications.

To create a BAPI data source, use the statement CREATE DATASOURCE SAPERP.


Before creating any BAPI data source, we have to install the SAP Java Connector 3 in the system where Virtual DataPort is running. The appendix Installing the SAP JCo Connector of the Installation Guide explains how to do this.

Syntax of the CREATE DATASOURCE SAPERP statement (BAPI)
    [ FOLDER = <literal> ]
    SYSTEMNAME = <literal>
    [ SAPROUTER = <literal> ]
    [ LANGUAGE = <literal> ]
    <connection type>
    CLIENTID = <literal>
    [ SAP_APP_SERVER = <literal> ]
        SNC_LIBRARY = <literal>
        SNC_PARTNER_NAME = <literal>
        SNC_QOP = <integer>
        MAX_ACTIVE = <integer>
        MAX_IDLE = <integer>
        MAX_WAIT = <integer>
        MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME = <integer>
        TIME_BETWEEN_EVICTION = <integer>
    [ TRANSFER_RATE_FACTOR = <double> ]
    [ DESCRIPTION = <literal> ]

<credentials> ::=
  USERNAME = <literal> USERPASSWORD = <literal> [ ENCRYPTED ]

<connection type> ::=
    <direct connection>
  | <logon load balanced connection>

<direct connection> ::=
  HOSTNAME = <literal>
  SYSTEMNUMBER = <literal>

<logon load balanced connection> ::=
    MESSAGE_HOST = <literal>
    [ MESSAGE_SERVICE = <literal> ]
    SID = <literal>
    [ GROUP = <literal> ]

To modify a BAPI data source, use the statement ALTER DATASOURCE SAPERP.

Syntax of the ALTER DATASOURCE SAPERP statement (BAPI)
    [ SYSTEMNAME = <literal> ]
    [ HOSTNAME = <literal> ]
    [ MESSAGE_HOST = <literal> ]
    [ MESSAGE_SERVICE = <literal> ]
    [ SID = <literal> ]
    [ GROUP = <literal> ]
    [ CLIENTID = <literal> ]
    [ SYSTEMNUMBER = <literal> ]
    [ SAP_APP_SERVER = <literal> ]
        SNC_LIBRARY = <literal>
        SNC_PARTNER_NAME = <literal>
        SNC_QOP = <integer>
        MAX_ACTIVE = <integer>
        MAX_IDLE = <integer>
        MAX_WAIT = <integer>
        MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME = <integer>
        TIME_BETWEEN_EVICTION = <integer>
    [ TRANSFER_RATE_FACTOR = <double> ]
    [ DESCRIPTION = <literal> ]

All the parameters of these two commands refer to the connection details to the SAP instance. The meaning of these parameters is explained in more detail in the section BAPI Sources of the Administration Guide.

  • SYSTEMNAME: The SAP system ID of SAP ERP.

  • SAPROUTER. Route between the SAP routers and the target server.

  • USERNAME. The user name used for access the data source.

  • LANGUAGE. Language of the connection established with the SAP server.

  • Connection type:

    • If the connection type is “Direct”, provide:

      • HOSTNAME. Host where SAP is running.

      • SYSTEMNUMBER. Two-digit number that differentiates the SAP instances running on the same host.

    • If the connection type is “Logon load balanced”, enter:

      • MESSAGE_HOST. Host of the SAP server that provides the data for choosing an appropriate application server.

      • MESSAGE_SERVICE. Port where the “SAP Message server” listens to connections.

      • SID. System ID of the SAP system.

      • GROUP. Name of the group of SAP application servers.

  • CLIENTID. Identifier of the client.

  • USE_KERBEROS. Modifier that indicates if Kerberos authentication will be used. If this modifier is present, the SAP_APP_SERVER option must be defined too.

  • USERPASSWORD. The password of the user. The ENCRYPTED modifier indicates that the provided password is encrypted (this option is typically used by the Denodo export/import process only).

    The modifier WITH PASS-THROUGH SESSION CREDENTIALS means that when a user queries a view that uses a data source with this option, Virtual DataPort uses the credentials of this user to connect to the database. With this modifier, the values of the parameters USERNAME and PASSWORD are used only when creating a base view from this data source using the Administration Tool. I.e. to connect to SAP to obtain information about the SAP BAPI of the base view.

    If you created a data source with this option, but you want to query a view of this data source with other credentials than the ones you have used to connect to the Server, add the parameters USERNAME and PASSWORD to the CONTEXT. These two parameters are only taken into account when the data source has been created with the option WITH PASS-THROUGH SESSION CREDENTIALS.

    For example, if view1 has been created over a SAPERP data source with the option WITH PASS-THROUGH SESSION CREDENTIALS and you execute

    SELECT * FROM view1
    CONTEXT(USERNAME = 'admin', PASSWORD = 'd4GvpKA5BiwoGUFrnH92DNq5TTNKWw58I86PVH2tQIs/q1RH9CkCoJj57NnQUlmvgvvVnBvlaH8NFSDM0x5fWCJiAvyia70oxiUWbToKkHl3ztgH1hZLcQiqkpXT/oYd' ENCRYPTED)

    the Server will connect to the data source of the view with the username “admin” and the password “password”, ignoring the credentials used by the user to connect to the Server.

    It is mandatory to add the token ENCRYPTED and enter the password encrypted. To encrypt the password, use the command ENCRYPT_PASSWORD. For example:

    ENCRYPT_PASSWORD 'my_secret_password';

    When the data source is created with this option, the Server creates a pool for each pair user/password. Initially, these pools only have one connection (initSize) to prevent the creation of a lot of connections. The maximum number of connections for each one of these pool is the value of the parameter MAXACTIVE.


    Users should be careful when enabling the cache for views that involve data sources with pass-through credentials enabled. The section “Considerations When Configuring Data Sources with Pass-Through Credentials” explains the issues that may arise.

  • SAP_APP_SERVER: The SAP Web Server URL used to retrieve the SAP Logon ticket when Kerberos authentication is being be used.

Secure Network Communications (SNC) provides stronger authentication and encryption mechanisms than the default security options of SAP. To enable SNC between the Virtual DataPort server and SAP, add the following parameters:

  • SNC_LIBRARY: corresponds, on the Administration Tool, with the field “SAP Cryptographic library” of the “Advanced tab” of the data source configuration.

  • SNC_PARTNER_NAME: corresponds with the field “Partner name”.

  • SNC_QOP: corresponds with the field “Security level”. The values of this parameter can be one these:

BAPI data sources: values of the parameter SNC_QOP

Value of the SNC_QOP Parameter

Security Level


Secure authentication only


Data integrity protection


Data privacy protection


Use the value from snc/data_protection/use


Use the value from snc/data_protection/max

Clauses to configure the pool of connections of the data source to SAP ERP:

  • MAX_ACTIVE: maximum number of active connections in the pool.

  • MAX_IDLE: maximum number of idle connections in the pool.

  • MAX_WAIT (milliseconds): maximum time a thread will wait to obtain a connection from the pool. When a query reaches this limit, the query that is requesting the connection will fail.

  • MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME (milliseconds): minimum amount of time that a connection sits idle in the pool before it is eligible to be closed and removed from the pool.

  • TIME_BETWEEN_EVICTION (milliseconds): the Server examines periodically the idle connections of the pool to close them. This parameter indicates the minimum interval between these examinations.

  • TRANSFER_RATE_FACTOR: relative measure of the speed of the network connection between the Denodo server and the data source. Use the default value (e.g. 1 for JDBC databases located on premises) if the data source is accessible through a conventional 100 Mbps LAN. Use higher values for faster networks and lower values for data sources accessible through a WAN.

    The cost optimizer uses this value when evaluating the cost of an execution plan. The default value is usually correct so you should not specify this parameter unless you have a deep knowledge of the cost optimizer.

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