DF Data Sources

DF data sources can retrieve data from delimited text files. The most common delimited files are Comma-Separated-Values (CSV), but you can also create data sources that retrieve data with other formats.

To create a DF data source, use the statement CREATE DATASOURCE DF.

Syntax of the CREATE DATASOURCE DF statement
    [ FOLDER = <literal> ]
    ROUTE <route> [ CHARSET = <literal> ] [ <route filters> ]
    {   COLUMNDELIMITER = <literal>
      | TUPLEPATTERN = <literal> [ HEADERPATTERN = <literal> ]
      | COLUMNWIDTHS = '<integer>[,<integer>]'
           [PADCHARACTER = <literal>]
           [REPLACECHARACTER = <literal>]
           [ALIGNMENT = { LEFT | RIGHT } ]
    [ ENDOFLINEDELIMITER = <literal> ]
    [ BEGINDELIMITER = { <literal> | VAR <variable name:identifier> }
        [ ISDATA ]
    [ ENDDELIMITER = <literal> [ ISDATA ] ]
    [ HEADER = <boolean> ]
    [ TRANSFER_RATE_FACTOR = <double> ]
    [ DESCRIPTION = <literal> ]

<route_filters> ::=
  FILTER ( <filter> [, <filter> ]* )

To modify a DF data source, use the statement ALTER DATASOURCE DF.

Syntax of the ALTER DATASOURCE DF statement
ALTER DATASOURCE DF <name:identifier>
    ROUTE <route> [ CHARSET = <literal> ] [ <route_filters> ]
    {   COLUMNDELIMITER = <literal>
      | TUPLEPATTERN = <literal> [ HEADERPATTERN = <literal> ]
      | COLUMNWIDTHS = '<integer>[,<integer>]'
           [PADCHARACTER = <literal>]
           [REPLACECHARACTER = <literal>]
           [ALIGNMENT = { LEFT | RIGHT } ]
    [ ENDOFLINEDELIMITER = <literal> ]
    [ BEGINDELIMITER = { <literal> | VAR <variable name:identifier> }
        [ ISDATA ]
    [ ENDDELIMITER = <literal> [ISDATA] ]
    [ HEADER = <boolean> ]
    [ TRANSFER_RATE_FACTOR = <double> ]
    [ DESCRIPTION = <literal> ]

Explanation of some of the parameters of these statements:

  • OR REPLACE: If present and a data source with the same name exists, the current definition is substituted with the new one.

  • IGNOREMATCHINGERRORS: If TRUE, when a query involves this data source, the Server will ignore the lines of this data file that do not have the expected structure. I.e. rows that do not have the expected number of columns or, if you are providing a tuple pattern, rows that do not match the pattern. If FALSE, the Server will return an error if there is a row that does not have the expected structure.

    If the value is TRUE, you can check if the Server has ignored any row in a query. To do this, execute the query from the Administration Tool. Then, click “View execution trace” and click the “Route” node. You will see the attribute “Number of invalid tuples”.

    If you do not provide this parameter, the Server will assume TRUE.

  • ROUTE: path to the delimited file that contains the data. See more information about paths to data files in the section Specifying Paths in Virtual DataPort.

    Note that the parameter FILENAMEPATTERN is only allowed in the path to delimited file data sources and not for XML or JSON ones.

    For LOCAL and FTP routes, if uri points to a directory, when you query the base views created over this data source, the Server will retrieve the data from all the files in the directory and not just one file. The value of FILENAMEPATTERN is a regular expression and if present, the Server will only obtain data from the files which name matches this expression.

    When retrieving data from several files, they all must have the same schema.

  • FILTER: List of filters that will be applied to the data file before processing it. The available filters are UNZIP, GUNZIP, DECRYPT and CUSTOM. See more about this in section Filters.

  • CHARSET: It specifies the charset encoding used by the file. Any charset encoding supported by Java can be used.

  • COLUMNDELIMITER: Character that separates the values of a row. It is only used if the TUPLEPATTERN is not indicated.

    To indicate a tab, enter \t. This represents a single character, the tab.

    If you enter more than one character, all these characters will be considered a delimiter. For example, if you enter ,|, each value can be separated by the comma (,) or the vertical bar (|).

  • TUPLEPATTERN: Regular expression that specifies the format of the tuples that will be extracted from the delimited file. This regular expression has to match the whole line that wants to capture, not only part of it.

    The format used is that of regular expressions in Java language.

    The fields of the views will be the capturing groups of the regular expression.

    The section Delimited File Sources of the Virtual DataPort Administration Guide contains examples of tuple patterns.


    The tuple pattern can contain interpolation variables.

  • COLUMNWIDTHS. Comma-separated list of integers. Each value is the column size in bytes.

  • PADCHARACTER. The pad character used when the size of the values is smaller than the column width. If you enter more than one character, all these characters will be considered a pad character.

    The character must be escaped using Java String rules. For example, to use a as pad character, enter a but to use á, enter \u00E1.

    By default, there is no padding character.

  • REPLACECHARACTER The character returned when a value cannot be represented in the specified charset.

    The character must be escaped using Java String rules. For example, to use a as replace character, enter a but to use á, enter \u00E1.

    By default, it is the white space.

  • ALIGNMENT. The text alignment. It is relevant for padding.

  • ENDOFLINEDELIMITER: Character string used as data tuple separator in the delimited file (the carriage return \n will be used by default).

  • BEGINDELIMITER: A Java regular expression that identifies where the Server must begin searching for tuples (or searching for the header if the parameter HEADER is TRUE). If the parameter is not present, the parsing of the file will start at the beginning of the file.

    This parameter can be a literal or a name of an interpolation variable (see section Execution Context of a Query and Interpolation Strings). If you want to pass an interpolation variable, you have to add the parameter VAR followed by the name of the variable.

    If ISDATA is present, the text matching this regular expression is considered part of the data.

  • ENDDELIMITER: A Java regular expression identifying the position in the file where the system must stop searching for tuples. If no value is specified, the search will continue until the end of the file. If the ISDATA modifier is added then the text matching with the regular expression will be considered as part of the search space. This may include interpolation variables to parameterize the access path depending on the conditions of the query executed on the data source (see section Execution Context of a Query and Interpolation Strings).

  • HEADER. If true, it is assumed that the first tuple extracted from the file data area contains the names of the fields. These names will be used to create the attributes of the base relation for Virtual DataPort.

  • MULTI_CHARACTER_DELIMITER. If true, the delimiter can consist of multiple characters. For example, |~ could be used as the character delimiter.

  • HEADERPATTERN. This indicates a regular expression-type pattern to be used to extract the name of the fields forming the header. This must only be specified if the pattern to be used to extract the header is different to that used to extract the tuples. The format of the regular expressions is the same as that used for the Tuple Pattern. This field can only be used when the Header check box is marked.

  • TRANSFER_RATE_FACTOR: relative measure of the speed of the network connection between the Denodo server and the data source. Use the default value (e.g. 1 for JDBC databases located on premises) if the data source is accessible through a conventional 100 Mbps LAN. Use higher values for faster networks and lower values for data sources accessible through a WAN.

See the section Optimizing DF Data Sources of the Administration Guide to get details on how to improve the performance of the DF data sources.

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