XML Wrappers

Virtual DataPort supports the creation of wrappers from XML data sources. See below the syntax for creating XML wrappers.

Syntax of the CREATE WRAPPER XML statement
CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] WRAPPER XML <name:identifier>
    [ FOLDER = <literal> ]
    DATASOURCENAME = <name:identifier>
    [ TUPLEROOT <XML node or path:literal> ]
    [ OUTPUTSCHEMA ( <field> [, <field> ]* ) ]
    [ SOURCECONFIGURATION ( [ <source configuration property>
                            [, <source configuration property> ]* ] ) ]

<field> ::=
      <name:identifier> [ = <mapping:literal> ] [ : <type:literal> ]
        [ { OBL | OPT } ]
        [ ( DEFAULTVALUE <literal> ) ]
        [ EXTERN ]
        [ <inline constraints> ]*
    | <name:identifier> [ = <mapping:literal> ] :
         ARRAY OF ( <register field> )
         [ <inline constraints> ]*
    | <name:register field>

<register field> ::=
    <name:identifier> [ = <mapping:literal> ] :
        REGISTER OF ( <field> [, <field> ]* )
          [ ( DEFAULTVALUE <literal> ) ]
          [ <inline constraints> ]*

<inline constraint> ::=
      [ NOT ] NULL

<source configuration property> ::=
    DATAINORDERFIELDSLIST = { DEFAULT | ( <name:identifier> { ASC | DESC }
                                      [, <name:identifier> { ASC | DESC } ]* ) }

See below the syntax to modify XML wrappers.

Syntax of the ALTER WRAPPER XML statement
ALTER WRAPPER XML <name:identifier>
    [ DATASOURCENAME = <name:identifier> ]
    [ TUPLEROOT <XML node or path:literal> ]
    [ OUTPUTSCHEMA ( <field> [, <field> ]* ) ]
    [ SOURCECONFIGURATION ( [ <source configuration property>
    [, <source configuration property> ]* ] ) ]

<field> ::= (see Syntax of the CREATE WRAPPER XML statement)

<source configuration property> ::= (see Syntax of the CREATE WRAPPER XML statement)

An XML wrapper is defined through an XML data source that identifies a local or remote XML resource.

The XML wrapper analyzes the structure of the XML document and returns as attributes the XML tags of the first level (using its name as attribute name), encapsulating the other elements in compound types.

Optionally, it is possible to indicate an XPath route (XPath Language) to an XML document node using the TUPLEROOT parameter. This is useful for Virtual DataPort to access only a portion of the document instead of the entire document. In this case, the node indicated by the path will be considered the root node for extraction. Each subelement of the indicated node will be considered a field in the tuples extracted. For example, if we import an RSS document and want the wrapper to return a tuple for each item element, the path /rss/channel/item may be used. Although an equivalent effect is possible by accessing the full XML document and subsequently using projection and flattening operations (see section FLATTEN View (Flattening Data Structures)) to get the required data, specifying the XPath route at the time of creation of the base relation will make the query process more efficient.

As with the other wrappers, the output schema of the data provided by the wrapper can be specified. This way it is possible to select only the elements of interest from the XML document to change their name (mapping represents the new name used in the wrapper; name is the original name in the XML document).

The clause URIPARAM is always used along with the clause EXTERN, which indicates that this field represents the value of an interpolation variable. By adding URIPARAM, the value of the field will be encoded as a query parameter of a URL. URIPARAM should only be added when the wrapper is created over XML data sources whose path is HTTP and the variable is the value of a URL’s query parameter. See more details about this in the section HTTP Path (subsection of Path Types in Virtual DataPort) of the Administration Guide.

The wrapper creation statement accepts the OR REPLACE modifier. Where specified, if there is already a wrapper with the same name, its definition is replaced by the new one.

Lastly, certain wrapper properties can be specified (SOURCECONFIGURATION). Virtual DataPort will take them into account to determine the operations that can be made on the wrapper. The applicable properties are indicated in the corresponding statement declaration (Syntax of the CREATE WRAPPER XML statement), and are explained in the section Wrapper Configuration Properties.

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