Modifying REST Web Services

To modify a REST web service use command ALTER REST WEBSERVICE. With this statement, you can add, replace or drop views from a web service.

Syntax of the ALTER REST WEBSERVICE statement
ALTER REST WEBSERVICE <name:identifier>
    SET VIEW <view identifier>
        FIELDS ( <fields list> [ <fields' mappings> ] )

ALTER REST WEBSERVICE <name:identifier>
    SET ASSOCIATIONS ( <association name:identifier with database>
                   [, <association name:identifier with database> ]* ) ]

ALTER REST WEBSERVICE <name:identifier>
    DROP VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] <view identifier>

<fields list> ::= <field> [, <field> ]*

<view identifier> ::= (see Basic primitives for specifying VQL statements)

<identifier with database> ::= (see Basic primitives for specifying VQL statements)

<field> :::= (see Creating REST Web Services)

To add or replace a view, use the SET VIEW clause. In the FIELDS clause, put the identifier of the fields of the view. You do not have to publish all the fields of the view.

To remove a view, use the DROP VIEW clause.

To add one or more association, use clause SET ASSOCIATIONS followed by a comma-separated list of the identifiers of the associations you want the service to publish.

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