The stored procedure CATALOG_PERMISSIONS
returns information about
the privileges and custom policies granted to a user and/or a role.
Each privilege is returned in a row. That is, there is one row for each privilege granted to a user or role over a database, a view or stored procedure.
Any user can execute this procedure but the results are different depending on if the user is an administrator or not. Administrators can see the privileges granted to any user or role and non-administrators can only see the privileges granted to directly to themselves or their roles.
This procedure does not return information about Kerberos or LDAP users (i.e. users not created on Virtual DataPort), unless is about the user running the stored procedure.
username_in : text
, rolename_in : text
: name of the user that you want to obtain its privileges of.rolename_in
: name of the role that you want to obtain its privileges of.
If the user that executes the procedure is an administrator, consider the following:
If both parameters are
, the procedure returns all the privileges granted to all the users and roles. This is useful if you want to obtain all the privileges set in the Virtual DataPort server that you are connected to.If
is not, the procedure returns the privileges granted to a user and the privileges granted to the roles of the user.If
is not, the procedure returns the privileges granted to the role and also to the roles of this role.If both parameters have a value, the procedure returns the privileges directly granted to
and the privileges granted to the rolerolename_in
. In this case,username_in
needs to have the rolerolename_in
granted. Otherwise, the procedure fails.
If the user that executes the procedure is not an administrator, its behavior is similar with the following exceptions:
The procedure does not return the privileges of other users.
is notnull
, it has to be the name of the user that is executing the procedure. Otherwise, the procedure returns an error.If
is notnull
, the user that runs procedure has to have this role granted directly or transitively. Otherwise, the procedure returns an error.
Each privilege or custom policy granted to a user/role is returned in a row.
The output schema has the following fields:
: user that this privilege belongs to.null
if this row refers to a privilege granted to a role.When the input parameter
is notnull
or whenusername_in
, it holds the user name. In the latter case, this field isnull
for the privileges granted to roles.globaladmin
: the possible values are:null
if the row represents a privilege granted to a role, not a user.true
if the row represents a privilege granted to a user (not a role) and the user is an administrator or has the roleserveradmin
: when this field is notnull
, it means that the row represents a privilege inherited from the role with this value.If the field
is notnull
, the row represents a privilege of a user inherited from a role.If the field
is notnull
, the row represents a privilege of a role inherited from another role.This field is
if the privilege was directly granted to the user or the role.rolename
: a privilege can be inherited “transitively”. That is, a user can inherit a privilege from a role which itself inherits it from another role. This column contains the original role for which the permission was granted.dbname
: name of the database over which this privilege is granted.elementname
: name of the element of a database over which this privilege was granted.null
if this privilege is granted over a database, not a single element.elementype
: type of element of a database over which this privilege is granted. The possible values areData source
,Web service
if the element type is not equals toData source
. Otherwise, type of the data source. The possible values arearn
: represent the privileges that can be granted over a database.null
if this row represents a privilege not granted over a database (e.g. over an individual element).elementmetadata
: represent the privileges that can be granted over an element of a database, not a database.columnpermissions
: it is notnull
when the row represents a privilege granted over a view that has column privileges. In this case, this field contains a comma-separated list of the fields that can be projected.rowpermissions
: it is notnull
when the row represents a privilege granted over a view that has row restrictions. In this case, this field is an array with the following fields:sensitivefields
: the sensitive fields of the restriction.condition
: the condition of the restriction.action
: the action taken by the restriction when the condition is not met.
: it is notnull
when the array represents a list of custom policies granted to a user/role, over a view.
Privileges Required
The information returned by this procedure changes depending on the type of user that executes the procedure:
Administrators: the procedure returns information about the privileges of any user or role.
Other users, including administrators of a database: the procedure only returns information about the privileges granted to the user that executes the procedure, or to the roles granted to this user.
The procedure returns an error in any of these cases:
If a non-administrator user requests the privileges granted to another user.
Or if a non-administrator user requests the privileges granted to a role and this user does not have this role.
Or the input user is a Kerberos or LDAP user (i.e. a user not created on Virtual DataPort) and is not the user running the procedure. In this case, the procedure returns an error saying that the user does not exist.