
This stored procedure is deprecated and it may be removed in future major versions of the Denodo Platform. Use the procedure GET_VIEWS instead of this one; “GET_VIEWS” can search on any database, not just in the one you are connected to and it returns the same information.


The stored procedure CATALOG_VIEWS returns a list of the base views and derived views of the Virtual DataPort database you are connected to. You can filter the result by several parameters: view name, view type, etc.


      name : text
    , usercreator : text
    , lastusermodifier : text
    , initcreatedate : date
    , endcreatedate : date
    , initlastmodificationdate : date
    , endlastmodificationdate : date
    , viewtype : { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 }
    , swapactive : { 0 | 1 | 2 }
    , cachestatus : { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 }
    , description : text
  • usercreator (optional): owner of the element.

  • If you do not want to filter by a parameter, pass null to it.

  • When filtering by name, usercreator and/or description, the comparison is performed with the contains operator. E.g.: if usercreator is adm, the procedure will return all the elements which creator contains the string adm.

  • When providing a value for initcreatedate and endcreatedate, or initlastmodificationdate and endlastmodificationdate, the procedure returns the elements between these two intervals. I.e.: when you provide a value for initcreatedate and endcreatedate, the procedure returns the elements created during these two dates.

    If initcreatedate is null, the procedure returns all the elements that were created before endcreatedate.

    If endcreatedate is null, the procedure returns all the elements that were created after initcreatedate.

    Searching by initlastmodificationdate and endlastmodificationdate works in the same way.

  • viewtype: if not null, the procedure returns the views of a certain type. The valid values are:

    • 0: only return base views.

    • 1: only return derived views.

    • 2: only return interface views.

    • 3: only return materialized tables.

  • swapactive: if not null, the procedure returns the views with a certain swap status. The valid values are 0 (views with the swap status set to Default), 1 (swap set to On) and 2 (swap set to Off).

  • cachestatus: if not null, the procedure returns the views with a certain cache mode. The valid values are 0 (cache mode is Off), 1 (Partial Exact), 2 (Partial), 3 (Full), 4 (Partial Exact Preload) and 5 (Partial Preload).

Privileges Required

This procedure only returns information about the views on which the user has the Metadata privilege. The implications of this are the following:

  • If the user is an administrator or an administrator of the database, the procedure will return information about all the views.

  • The procedure will return information about all the views over which the user has the Metadata privilege.


WHERE viewtype = 1;

The procedure returns all the derived views of the database.

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