
The stored procedure GENERATE_STATS_FOR_FIELDS gathers and stores the statistics of the fields of a view (minimum value, maximum value, etc. of each field) and the number of rows of the view. It works as the procedure GENERATE_STATS (see section GENERATE_STATS), with the difference that it only obtains the statistics of the fields you indicate.

If possible, use the procedure GENERATE_SMART_STATS_FOR_FIELDS, which can query the system tables of the database to obtain these statistics instead of executing a regular SELECT statement.


      viewname : text,
    , fields : array
    , databasename : text
  • viewname: the procedure will gather the statistics of the view with this name (with the same case)

  • fields: array of field names that the procedure will obtain its statistics for. When you specify only some fields of the view, the procedure does not delete the statistics of the other fields of the view that have already been gathered.

    If null, the procedure gathers the statistics of all the fields of the view.

    If an empty array (i.e. {}), the procedure gathers the number of rows of the view, but does not obtain the statistics of any field.

  • databasename: name of the database to which viewname belongs.

    If null the procedure looks for viewname in the current database.

Privileges Required

Only users that have the Write privilege on the view can execute this procedure. This means, the following users can execute this procedure:

  • Administrators or administrators of this database.

  • Users that have the Connect and Write privileges on this database.

  • Users that have the Connect privilege on this database and Write privilege on this view.


Example 1

    { ROW('iinc_id') , ROW('taxid'), ROW('summary') } )

This statement gathers and stores the statistics for the fields iinc_id, taxid and summary of the view internet_inc.

The second parameter is an array so you have to use the construct { ROW(...), ROW(...),...} to define the array of field names. You can see more details about this construct in the section Conditions with Compound Values.

Example 2

CALL GENERATE_STATS_FOR_FIELDS ('internet_inc', { } )

This statement gathers and stores the number of rows returned by the view, but does not obtain any statistics for the fields of the view.

Example 3

    { ROW('iinc_id') , ROW('taxid'), ROW('summary') },
    'example' )

This statement gathers and stores the statistics for the fields iinc_id, taxid and summary of the view internet_inc, which belongs to the database example.

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