
The stored procedure GENERATE_VQL_TO_CREATE_JDBC_BASE_VIEW returns the VQL statements necessary to create a JDBC base view for a given table/view of the underlying database of a JDBC data source. Note that it does not actually creates the view, only returns the VQL statements to do so.

In combination with the procedure GET_JDBC_DATASOURCE_TABLES, you can automate the process of having a base view for all the tables/views of a source database.

Note that this procedure does not create the base view, it only returns the VQL statements to do so.


      data_source_name : text
    , catalog_name : text
    , schema_name : text
    , table_name : text
    , base_view_name : text
    , folder : text
    , i18n : text
    , database_name : text
  • data_source_name: name of the data source.

  • catalog_name: name of the catalog in the source database that contains the table from which to create the base view. Pass null if the database does not support catalogs.

  • schema_name: name of the schema in the source database that contains the table from which to create the base view. Pass null if the database does not support schemas.

  • table_name: name of the table/view over which to create the base view.

  • base_view_name: name of the base view to be created. If null, the name will be auto-generated.

  • folder: folder in which to place the created base view. The result will include the VQL statements to create this folder(s). If null, the VQL will not specify a folder.

  • i18n: i18n of the base view to be created. If null, the procedure will assign the i18n of the Virtual DataPort database to which the data source belongs. We recommend setting this to null.

  • database_name: name of the database to which the JDBC data source belongs. If null, the procedure will use the current database.

The procedure returns one row for each VQL statement necessary to create the base view:

  • creation_vql: statements necessary to create the desired base view.

The procedure returns an error if the schema, catalog or table do not exist in the database.

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The user must have execute privileges over the data source.

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