
The stored procedure GET_ELEMENTS returns information about any element: data sources, views, Web services, etc. You can filter the result by several parameters: element name, type, etc.

Each row represents an element.

If you only want to obtain information about views, it is better if you use the procedure GET_VIEWS because it provides more information than this one.


      input_database_name : text
    , input_name : text
    , input_type : element type
    , input_user_creator : text
    , input_last_user_modifier : text
    , input_init_create_date : date
    , input_end_create_date : date
    , input_init_last_modification_date : date
    , input_end_last_modification_date : date
    , input_description : text

<element type> ::=
    | 'Folders'
    | 'DataSources'
    | 'StoredProcedures'
    | 'Wrappers'
    | 'Views'
    | 'WebServices'
    | 'Widgets'
    | 'Associations'
    | 'JMSListeners'
  • If you invoke the procedure using CALL and do not want to filter by a parameter, pass null.

  • The procedure evaluates the input parameters with AND conditions. E.g. if you pass a value to input_database_name, input_name and input_description, the procedure will search return elements of this database and this name and that contains this description.

  • The procedure evaluates the following parameters with the operator LIKE instead of equals:

    • input_name

    • input_user_creator

    • input_last_user_modifier

    • input_description

    This means that in the value of these parameters, you can use the wildcard operators you use with LIKE (% and _). The search by the description is case insensitive.

  • When providing a value for input_init_create_date and input_end_create_date, or input_init_last_modification_date and input_end_last_modification_date, the procedure returns the elements between the two intervals. I.e.: when you provide a value for input_init_create_date and input_end_create_date, the procedure returns the elements created during these two dates.

    If input_init_create_date is null, the procedure returns all the elements that were created before input_end_create_date.

    If input_end_create_date is null, the procedure returns all the elements that were created after input_init_create_date. Searching by input_init_last_modification_date and input_end_last_modification_date works in the same way.

The procedure returns these fields:

  • database_name: name of database where the element belongs to.

  • name: name of the element.

  • type: type of the element. The values can be

    • association

    • datasource

    • folder

    • storedProcedure

    • type

    • view

    • webService

    • widget

    • wrapper

  • subtype: subtype of the element or an empty string if the element does not have a subtype. Elements that have a subtype and what subtypes they can have:

    • view: base, derived, interface or materialized

    • datasource: arn, custom, df, essbase, gs, jdbc, json, ldap, odbc, olap, salesforce, sapbwbapi, saperp, ws or xml

    • wrapper: arn, custom, df, essbase, gs, html, jdbc, json, ldap, odbc, olap, salesforce, sapbwbapi, saperp, ws or xml

  • user_creator: owner of the element.

  • last_user_modifier: user that modified the element for the last time. If the element was never modified, the value is the same as user_creator.

  • create_date: date when the element was created.

  • last_modification_date: date when the element was modified for the last time. If the element was never modified, the value is the same as create_date

  • description: description of the element.

  • folder: folder of the element in lowercase. If the element is not in any folder, the value is /.

  • base_view_type: the wrapper subtype of a base view or null if the element it is not a base view. The subtypes that they can have are: arn, custom, df, essbase, gs, html, jdbc, json, ldap, odbc, olap, salesforce, sapbwbapi, saperp, ws or xml.

Privileges Required

The results of this procedure change depending on the privileges granted to the user that runs it. If the user is not an administrator user, consider the following:

  • If the parameter input_database_name is not null, the procedure returns an error if the user does not have CONNECT privileges over this database.

  • The procedure will only return information about the elements over which the user has METADATA privileges.


Example 1

WHERE input_database_name = 'customer_report' AND folder = '/base views'

Obtains all the elements of the database “customer_report” inside a particular folder. Note that folder is not an input parameter of the procedure. Therefore, the execution engine executes the procedure passing the parameter input_database_name. The result is the information about all the elements in that database. Then, the execution engine filters this result to return only the folders whose name is “base views”.

Example 2

    input_database_name = 'customer_report'
AND (input_init_create_date = ADDDAY(CURRENT_DATE, -1));

Obtains all the elements of the database “customer_report” created since yesterday at 12 AM.

Example 3

WHERE input_type = 'views' AND input_description = '%report%';

This query returns all the views whose description contains the word “report”.

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