
The stored procedure LOGCONTROLLER changes the level of a log category and its subcategories. The changes performed by this procedure are lost when the Server is stopped.

See more about this in the section Configuring the Logging System of the Administration Guide.


Do not set the log level to “TRACE” or “DEBUG” unless instructed by the Support Team of Denodo.

Reasons to avoid setting the log level to “TRACE” or “DEBUG”:

  1. The logging system may log sensitive information like the data retrieved from the data sources. For example, if you set the log category “com.denodo” or “com.denodo.vdb.catalog.type” to “TRACE”, the logging system will log the results of the queries.

  2. It makes troubleshooting more difficult because the log files may be filled up with messages irrelevant to the problem at hand. For example, if you set “com.denodo” or “com.denodo.vdb.interpreter” to “TRACE”, the logging system will log a lot information about the process of parsing each query received by Virtual DataPort. This is necessary if there are problems in the parsing but it will fill up the logs with unnecessary messages if the problem is different.

  3. In production servers, avoid setting the log category “com.denodo” to “DEBUG” or “TRACE” because it will slightly reduce the performance, due to the amount of messages that the logging system will have to store.


LogController (
       category : text
     , <level>

<level> ::=
    | 'DEBUG'
    | 'INFO'
    | 'WARN'
    | 'ERROR'
    | 'FATAL'
  • category: the category of the log.

  • level: the type of messages that you want to log for this category.

Privileges Required

Only administrators can invoke this procedure.


Example 1

CALL LOGCONTROLLER('com.denodo.vdp.requests', 'INFO')

With the default configuration, after executing this query, all the requests sent to the Server will be logged in <DENODO_HOME>/logs/vdp/vdp-requests.log.

Example 2

CALL LOGCONTROLLER('com.denodo.vdp.requests', 'INFO');

The second command sets the log category “com.denodo” and all its children to “ERROR”. Therefore, after executing the second command, the requests will not be logged in the “vdp-requests.log” file.

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