Statements to Work with Centralized Version Control Systems

This section describes the command required to work with centralized version control systems supported by Virtual DataPort. That is, with Subversion and Microsoft TFS repositories.


We do not recommend using VCS-related commands manually or through CI/CD processes, as these are commands designed to be used by the Administration Tool and the Design Studio.

To modify programmatically the VCS configuration of a Denodo database, check the section Creating and Modifying Virtual DataPort Databases.


VCSCOMMIT checks the specified element into the configured version control repository (with its dependencies). If the element already exists, the command commits the element’s local changes (and those of its dependencies).

Syntax of the VCSCOMMIT statement
VCSCOMMIT [ DBELEMENTS ] <element-path:literal> [ SIMULATE ]


VCSCOMMIT [ DBELEMENTS ] <element-path:literal> [ FORCE ]
    [ LOGMESSAGE <log-message:literal> ]

    [ LOGMESSAGE <log-message:literal> ]

It is mandatory to specify an element’s path. This path can refer to a database, a folder or a single element. The path syntax is as follows:

  • A database: “/databases/<databaseName>”, for example, “/databases/db1”.

  • A folder (note that it must end with a /): /databases/<databaseName>/folder.<folderName1>/[folder.folderNameN/]*. For example, /databases/db1/folder.Folder 1/folder.Folder 2/.

  • A single element: /databases/<databaseName>/[folder.folderNameN/]*<elementType>/[elementSubType/]<elementName>. For example, /databases/db1/folder.Folder 1/views/My Base View.

  • The possible element types are: views (for views and base views), datasources, associations, webservices, widgets, storedprocedures and listeners.

    • The possible element sub-types (this only applies to data sources) are: arn, custom, df, gs, itp jdbc, json, ldap, odbc, olap, saperp, ws and xml.

    • Jars and i18n maps are special cases and the syntax for their paths is different:

      • Jars: /extensions/jars/<jarName>

      • I18n maps: /maps/i18n/<mapName>

When checking a database or a folder in, all of their content and the content’s dependencies will be checked in or committed (in the case of databases, the associated JMS listeners will also be included).

The clause DBELEMENTS indicates that you are only committing elements that belong to the database and not elements that are common to all the databases: i18n maps or jars.

An optional log message can be specified with using the LOGMESSAGE clause.

The NOCOMMIT clause disables the detection of conflicts. Add this clause to increase the performance of this statement. On the other hand, if there are conflicts, the operation will fail. In this case, the user will have to execute the statement again with the FORCE clause.

The check in operation will fail if conflicts are found. In this case, VCSCOMMIT will return a list of conflicting elements (i.e. elements that are not up-to-date and contain local changes). By using the FORCE clause, conflicts will be resolved by overriding the remote changes with the local ones.

Alternatively, by using the SIMULATE clause, the command will not attempt to do any actual change in the remote repository, but will inform the user about what conflicts will be found and what files will be checked in when actually executing the command.


VCSUPDATE checks the specified element out from the configured version control repository (with its dependencies, and its contents in the case of folders and databases) and loads it into the server. If the element already exists, the command updates it and its dependencies.

Syntax of the VCSUPDATE statement
VCSUPDATE [ DBELEMENTS ] <element path:literal> [ FORCE ]
    [ REVISION <revision:literal> ] [ WITH DROPS ]

VCSUPDATE [ NOCONFLICTS ] [ DBELEMENTS ] <element path:literal> [ FORCE ]
    [ REVISION <revision:literal> ]

It is mandatory to specify an element’s path that can be a database, a folder or a single element (see the path syntax in VCSCOMMIT). In the case of databases, their associated JMS listeners will be checked-out or updated as necessary.

The clause DBELEMENTS indicates that you are only updating elements that belong to the database and not elements that are common to all the databases such as i18n maps or jars.

A revision can be specified by using the REVISION clause (see REVISIONS).

The NOCOMMIT clause disables the detection of conflicts. Add this clause to increase the performance of this statement. On the other hand, if there are conflicts, the operation will fail. In this case, the user will have to execute the statement again with the FORCE clause.

The check out operation will fail if there are conflicts. In this case, VCSUPDATE will return a list of conflicting elements (i.e. elements that are not up-to-date and contain local changes). By using the FORCE clause, conflicts will be resolved by overriding the remote changes with the local ones.

The check out operation will also fail if it detects that the deletion of elements is required to complete the operation. In this case, VCSUPDATE will return a list of elements that need to be deleted (e.g. elements that did not exist in the specified revision). By using both the FORCE and the WITH DROPS clauses, the required deletions will be performed.


VCSCONTENTS returns the elements or the actual files contained in a database or folder of the configured version control repository. It can also be used to obtain a list of the databases contained in the repository.

Syntax of the VCSCONTENTS statement
VCSCONTENTS { <element path:literal> [ FILES ] | LIST DATABASES }

A path to a database or folder must be specified (see the path syntax in VCSCOMMIT) in order to obtain a list of the elements contained in them. Using the FILES clause will show a list of actual files instead of VDP elements.

VCSCONTENTS LIST DATABASES stores a list of the databases contained in the repository.


VCSSHOW returns the VQL of a local element and the VQL of that same element that is stored in the VCS server. It only works for elements under version control.

Syntax of the VCSSHOW statement
VCSSHOW <path:literal> [ REVISION <revision:literal> ]

For example,

Example of using VCSSHOW
VCSSHOW '/databases/customer360/views/p_view1' WITH_DEPENDENCIES

The section VCSCOMMIT describes the syntax of path.

When obtaining the remote version of an element, a revision can be specified with the REVISION clause (see REVISIONS).

By adding WITH_DEPENDENCIES, VCSSHOW returns the elements on which this element depends.


REVISIONS returns a list of existing revisions for the specified element (see the element path syntax in VCSUPDATE).

Syntax of the REVISIONS statement
REVISIONS <path:literal>
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