Type Conversion Functions¶
These functions allow for different transformations among different types of data.
: This function is given two arguments. The first one specifies the name of a data type and the second one specifies a value to be converted to the provided data type. The following table shows the possible type conversions:
Target Type |
Source Type |
boolean |
String |
double |
String |
float |
String |
int |
String |
url |
String |
long |
String |
String |
int, long, float, double, boolean, url, Page (retrieves the page’s source code as a String) |
Binary |
Page (retrieves the page’s source code as Binary; to retrieve a binary page as a Binary data type, it must be downloaded by using the Denodo Browser) |
Page |
String (casts a string containing a page source code to a Page object) |
Browser |
String (casts a string containing a browser id to a browserId-type; that can be used in persistent browser management components) |