Using the Sequence Debugger

Denodo ITPilot offers the user the possibility of debugging a specific Sequence component by using the sequence debugging tool. This tool, accessible in the menu Tools -> Sequence Debugger… or by pressing the button image0 in the Sequence component wizard, lets the user execute a navigation sequence step-by-step. Sequence Debugger shows the tool.

Sequence Debugger

Sequence Debugger

Navigation sequences can be loaded in the debugger using the image2 button. The selection list beside the button allows choosing the sequence to load. The available options are:

  • One option for every “Sequence” or “Extractor Sequence” component in the current process. If the option corresponding to a component is chosen, the sequence configured in it will be loaded in the debugger.

  • Browser. The last navigation sequence recorded in the browser toolbar will be loaded in the debugger. Recall that the browser should have been launched using the “Browser-> New Browser” menu option.

  • File. Allows loading a sequence stored in a file.

If the “Append commands to sequence” check box is ticked the NSEQL commands of the imported sequence will be appended to the current list of commands instead of replacing them.

To execute the wrapper, there exists the option of transferring the currently active browser session, by selecting image3. This lets users test commands starting from a specific state (e.g. in order to test next interval page accesses).

The use of the debugger is very simple:

  • Start the process by pressing the image4 button starts this process. It can be stopped by pressing the button, and it can be resumed also ( image5 button). To restart, press image6.

  • The image7 button performs a complete execution of the commands the current list without stopping.

  • In order to execute step-by-step commands, the image8 button must be pressed.

  • In case any of the commands use variables, the user must provide the execution values, by pressing the image9 button. If this is not done before starting the execution, the system will request the values as the sequence is being executed. Values for the variables are given using an editor similar to the one shown in Figure Sequence editor with loaded sequence. If the sequence being debugged was imported from a Sequence component, the check boxes for the variables that match a hidden field in the input records of the Sequence component will be checked by default.

  • If necessary, new commands may be added to the sequence by double clicking the last row of the commands table, labeled as “Double click here to add commands”. A new dialog will appear with a sequence editor similar to the one found in the Sequence wizard. Type one or more commands in the dialog and click “Save”; they will be added to the debugger.

The debugger window also offers the following options to perform export actions on the sequence:

  • The image10 button allows saving the navigation sequence to file, in NSEQL format. This action is useful when the original sequence has been given new commands, or updated ones.

  • The image11 button lets users export the updated sequence to a Sequence component of the wrapper.

  • image12 lets users export the navigation sequence execution trace to a text file.

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