ITPilot Generation Environment Guide¶
- Preface
- Introduction
- Installation and Execution
- Generation Environment Tools - Part I
- Presentation of the Example
- Creating Projects and Wrappers
- Components in ITPilot
- Process Initialization
- Web Browsing Automation
- Configuration of the Extractor Component
- Processing the Retrieved Results
- Wrapper Generation, Tests and Exporting
- Generation Environment Tools - Part II
- Extracting Multipaginated Data
- Access to Details Pages
- Access to the Details Page: Using Extractor Sequence
- Individual Test of Extractor Sequence, Next Interval Iterator and Form Iterator Components
- Specifying the Structure of the Detail Page Information
- Generating the Access Specification to the Details Page
- Iteration on the Details Page Structures and Creation of the Output Record
- Generation Tool Global Preferences
- Tagsets and Scanners
- Generating the Data Extraction Specifications Manually
- Using the Sequence Debugger
- Saving a Flow as a Custom Component
- Wrapper Advanced Options: Specific Browser Pool and Locale
- Migrating Wrappers Between Generation Environments: Import and Export
- Managing Extensions
- Generating Navigation Sequences
- Appendix A: ITPilot Operators
- Appendix B: ITPilot Functions
- Appendix C: Catalog of Components
- Add Record To List
- Condition
- Create List
- Create Persistent Browser
- Diff
- Execute JavaScript
- Expression
- Extractor
- Extractor Sequence
- Filter
- Form Iterator
- Get Page
- Iterator
- JDBC Extractor
- Loop
- Next Interval Iterator
- Output
- Record Constructor
- Release Persistent Browser
- Repeat
- SaveFile
- Script
- Sequence
- Appendix D: Constraints of the Simplified DOM
- Appendix E: List of Reserved Words