Commands for Selecting Elements¶
List of commands for selecting elements:
Searches for the active element of the document (i.e. the currently focused element).
int timeout: optional parameter (it can be omitted). If used, ITPilot will execute retries in order to locate the element until it is found or until the expressed time (in milliseconds) has passed. This parameter is useful when the page may change asynchronously.
(boolean): true if the element was found.
When the Sequences Generator Toolbar records an action to send text to an element which is not an input field accepting text, nor an editable element (attribute designMode not set to on, and attribute contenteditable not set to true), it will generate a click on the element, a FindActiveElementInDocument command to select the active element and a SetValue over that element.
Searches for the child element of the currently selected element by type and attribute.
String tagname: name of the HTML tag associated with the search element (should be in capital letters).
String attr_name: name of the attribute which the element must contain (not case-sensitive).
String attr_value: value of the attribute specified by the attr_name parameter.
int position: index in the list of all elements with the specified value for the specified attribute (starting in 0).
boolean equals: indicates if the parameter attr-value should exactly match the attribute value (true) or if it is enough for it to be contained (false).
int timeout: optional parameter (it can be omitted). If used, ITPilot will execute retries in order to locate the element until it is found or until the specified time (in milliseconds) has passed. This parameter is useful when the page may change asynchronously.
(boolean): true if the element was found.
You can specify various attributes using a sequence of pairs attr_name,attr_value
The attr_value parameter accepts Java regular expressions.
Searches for the child element of the currently selected element, by position.
String tagname: name of the HTML tag associated with the element (it must be written in uppercase).
int position: element position.
int timeout: optional parameter (it can be omitted). If used, ITPilot will execute retries in order to locate the element until it is found or until the expressed time (in milliseconds) has passed. This parameter is useful when the page may change asynchronously.
(boolean): true if the element was found.
Searches for the child element of the currently selected element, by type and text.
String tagname: name of the HTML tag associated with the element (it must be written in uppercase).
String text: text the element must contain.
int position: order in all those that are of the indicated type and contain the specified text.
boolean equals: indicates if the value of the indicated text should exactly match that of the element (true) or if it is enough that it is contained (false).
int timeout: optional parameter (it can be omitted). If used, ITPilot will execute retries in order to locate the element until it is found or until the expressed time (in milliseconds) has passed. This parameter is useful when the page may change asynchronously.
(boolean): true if the element was found.
The text parameter accepts Java regular expressions.
Searches for an HTML element by type and attribute in the contents of the current frame.
String tagname: name of the HTML tag associated with the element (it must be written in uppercase).
String attr_name: name of the attribute to evaluate (not case-sensitive).
String attr_value: value of the attribute specified in the attr_name parameter.
int position: index in the list of all elements with the specified value for the specified attribute (starting in 0).
boolean equals: indicates if the parameter attr_value should exactly match the attribute value (true) or if it is enough for it to be contained (false).
int timeout: optional parameter (it can be omitted). If used, ITPilot will execute retries in order to locate the element until it is found or until the expressed time (in milliseconds) has passed. This parameter is useful when the page may change asynchronously.
(boolean): true if the element was found.
You can specify various attributes using a sequence of pairs attr_name, attr_value
If the element found by this command is a form, after the execution of the command it will be the selected element. Successive commands related to form elements will be executed on this form (as if it had been selected with a command FindFormByXXX).
The attr_value parameter accepts Java regular expressions.
When the evaluated attribute (attr_name) is href,
selected parameters of the URL can be ignored when trying to match
attr_value with the links of the page. The parameter names have to be
separated by the >
Example: When executing:
FindElementByAttribute(A, HREF>deptNo>empName, ^EncodeSeq(@employee_href), 0, true);
With the value employee_href =
The command will return the first link that matches that HREF attribute,
whatever the values of the deptNo
and empName
parameters are.
Searches for an HTML element by type and attribute, recursively searching in all the frames starting by the current one (deep search).
String tagname: name of the HTML tag associated with the element (it must be written in uppercase).
String attr_name: name of the attribute to be evaluated (not case-sensitive).
String attr_value: value of the attribute specified in the attr_name parameter.
int position: index in the list of all elements with the specified value for the specified attribute (starting in 0).
boolean equals: indicates if the parameter attr_value should exactly match the value of the attribute (true) or if it is enough for it to be contained (false).
int timeout: optional parameter (it can be omitted). If used, ITPilot will execute retries in order to locate the element until it is found or until the expressed time (in milliseconds) has passed. This parameter is useful when the page may change asynchronously.
(boolean): true if the element was found.
If the element found by this command is a form, after the execution of the command it will be the selected element. Successive commands related to form elements will be executed on this form (as if it had been selected with a command FindFormByXXX).
The attr_value parameter accepts Java regular expressions.
Searches for an HTML element by type and attribute of a child element in the contents of the current frame.
String tagname: name of the tag associated with the HTML parent element (it must be written in uppercase).
String child_tagname: name of the tag associated with the child HTML element.
String attr_name: name of the attribute to evaluate in the child element (not case-sensitive).
String attr_value: value of the attribute specified in the attr_name parameter.
int position: index in the list of all elements that fulfill the specified conditions.
boolean recursive_children: indicates if the search is conducted in only first-level children (false) or in any descendant (true).
boolean equals: specifies if the parameter attr_value should exactly match the value of the attribute (true) or if it is enough for it to be contained in it (false).
int timeout: optional parameter (it can be omitted). If used, ITPilot will execute retries in order to locate the element until it is found or until the expressed time (in milliseconds) has passed. This parameter is useful when the page may change asynchronously.
(boolean): true if the element was found.
If the element found by this command is a form, after the execution of the command it will be the selected element. Successive commands related to form elements will be executed on this form (as if it had been selected with a command FindFormByXXX).
The attr_value parameter accepts Java regular expressions.
Searches for an HTML element by type and attribute of a child element, recursively searching through all the frames starting with the current one (deep search).
String tagname: name of the tag of the HTML element (it must be written in uppercase).
String child_tagname: name of the tag of the HTML child of the element.
String attr_name: name of the attribute to evaluate in the children of the element (not case-sensitive).
String attr_value: value of the attribute specified by the attr_name parameter.
int position: index in the list of all elements that meet the specified conditions (starting in 0).
boolean recursive_children: specifies if the search must be limited to the direct children of the element (false) or recursively search in any descendant (true).
boolean equals: indicates if the parameter
should exactly match the value of the attribute (true) or if it is enough that it is contained (false).int timeout: optional parameter (it can be omitted). If used, ITPilot will execute retries in order to find the element until it is found or until the expressed time (in milliseconds) has passed. This parameter is useful when the page may change asynchronously.
(boolean): true if the element was found.
If the element found by this command is a form, after the execution of the command it will be the selected element. Successive commands related to form elements will be executed on this form (as if it had been selected with a command FindFormByXXX).
The attr_value parameter accepts Java regular expressions.
Searches for an HTML element of the type by position in the current frame.
String tagname: name of the HTML tag associated with the element (it must be written in uppercase).
int position: element position.
int timeout: optional parameter (it can be omitted). If used, ITPilot will execute retries in order to locate the element until it is found or until the expressed time (in milliseconds) has passed. This parameter is useful when the page may change asynchronously.
(boolean): true if the element was found.
If the element found by this command is a form, after the execution of the command it will be the selected element. Successive commands related to form elements will be executed on this form (as if it had been selected with a command FindFormByXXX).
Searches for an HTML element by type and text in the contents of the current frame.
String tagname: name of the HTML tag associated with the element (it must be written in uppercase).
String text: text the element must contain.
int position: index in the list of all elements that match the tag name and contain the specified text (starting in 0).
boolean equals: specifies if the value of the text parameter should exactly match that of the element (true) or if it is enough that it is contained (false).
int timeout: optional parameter (it can be omitted). If used, ITPilot will execute retries in order to locate the element until it is found or until the expressed time (in milliseconds) has passed. This parameter is useful when the page may change asynchronously.
(boolean): true if the element was found.
If the element found by this command is a form, after the execution of the command it will be the selected element. Successive commands related to form elements will be executed on this form (as if it had been selected with a command FindFormByXXX).
The text parameter accepts Java regular expressions.
Searches for an HTML element by type and text, recursively searching in all the frames starting with the current one (deep search).
String tagname: name of the HTML tag associated with the element (it must be written in uppercase).
String text: text the element must contain.
int position: index in the list of all elements that match the tag name and contain the specified text (starting in 0).
boolean equals: indicates if the value of the indicated text should exactly match that of the element (true) or if it is enough that it is contained (false).
int timeout: optional parameter (it can be omitted). If used, ITPilot will execute retries in order to locate the element until it is found or until the expressed time (in milliseconds) has passed. This parameter is useful when the page may change asynchronously.
(boolean): true if the element was found.
If the element found by this command is a form, after the execution of the command it will be the selected element. Successive commands related to form elements will be executed on this form (as if it had been selected with a command FindFormByXXX).
The text parameter accepts Java regular expressions.
Searches for an HTML element in the current document using an XPath expression.
String xpathExpr: XPath expression to be used to locate the element.
int position: optional parameter (it can be omitted). If it is not specified and the XPath expression returns more than one element, the first will be selected. If it is specified, its value will be used to select from the list of nodes returned by the XPath expression.
int timeout: optional parameter (it can be omitted). If specified, ITPilot will execute retries in order to locate the element until it is found or until the specified amount of time (in milliseconds) has passed. This parameter is useful when the page may change asynchronously.
(boolean): true if the element was found, false otherwise.
If the element found by this command is a form, it will be the selected element after the execution of the command. Subsequent commands related to form elements will be executed on this form (as if it had been selected with a FindFormByXXX command).
The syntax of the XPath expressions supported by this command is a subset of the XPath 1.0 specification (
Supported features are:
“/” as a step separator. For example, with the XPath expression “/html/body/div/a”, the command returns all the links that are child of a DIV element that is a child of the body.
“//” as a step separator. This is an abbreviation of the “descendant-or-self” axis. For example, with the XPath expression “//div//a”, the command returns all the links that are descendants of DIV elements that are descendants of the root node.
“[ ]” to specify predicates that a node must satisfy in order to be included in the output of the command. For example, with the XPath expression “//a[@title]”, the command returns all the links that have a “title” attribute.
The node test text() to retrieve text nodes. For example, the XPath expression “//div/text()” return all the text nodes that are child of a DIV element. Note that the FindElementByXPath can only select HTML elements so the previous expression is not a valid expression for use with this command, but you can use expressions like “//div[text()]” that returns all the nodes that have at least one text node as a child. However, the ITPilot functions XPATH and XPATHLIST can return text nodes so you can use text() with no restrictions in the expressions passed as arguments of these functions.
“@” for making reference to an attribute of the context element in a predicate. For example, with the XPath expression “//div/a[@title = ‘sometitle’]”, the command returns the links that have the attribute “title” set to “sometitle” and that are children of any DIV element of the document.
Operators “and” and “=” to specify conditions in predicates. For example, with the XPath expression “//a[@title and @class=’someclass’]”, the command returns the links that have the “title” attribute set to any value and the “class” attribute set to “someclass”.
Literals in predicates can be specified between ‘ ‘ or “ “.
Relative expressions in predicates. For example, with the XPath expression “//div[a]”, the command returns all DIV elements that have a child element of type A.
“.” to make reference to the context node when using relative expressions in predicates. For example, with the XPath expression “//div[.//a]”, the command returns all DIV elements that have a child element of type A, and “//a[.=‘somelink’]’ returns the links whose text is “somelink”.
Use of integers to specify context positions. For example, with the XPath expression “//div/a[2]”, the command returns the second link of each DIV element in the document; but “//div//a[2]” returns the links that are children of any DIV element in the document and that are the second of the links of their respective parent elements.
Function “position()” that returns the position of the context node. For example, with the XPath expression “//div/a[position()=2]”, the command returns the same as with “//div/a[2]”.
Function “last()” that returns the position of the last node in the context. For example, with the XPath expression “//div/a[last()]”, the command returns the links that are the last link of each DIV element in the document.
Function “matches(expr, pattern)”, from the XPath 2.0 specification, to make comparisons using regular expressions. For example, with the XPath expression “//a[matches(@class,’.*some.*’)]”, the command returns the links in the document that have a “class” attribute whose value matches the specified regular expression.
How positions work in XPath expressions. Consider the following example code:
<a href="" class="someclass">link1</a>
<a href="" class="someclass">link2</a>
<a href="" class="someclass">link3</a>
<a href="" >link4</a>
<a href="" class="someclass">link5</a>
<a href="" class="someclass">link6</a>
<a href="" >link7</a>
With the XPath expression “//a[1]”, the command returns “link1”, “link3” and “link6”
With the XPath expression “//a[last()]”, the command returns “link2”, “link5” and “link7”
With the XPath expression “//a[@class][2]”, the command returns “link2” and “link5” but with “//a[2][@class]”, it returns only “link2”. The XPath expression “//a[@class][2]” first filters by “@class” returning
<a href="" class="someclass">link1</a>
<a href="" class="someclass">link2</a>
<a href="" class="someclass">link3</a>
<a href="" class="someclass">link5</a>
<a href="" class="someclass">link6</a>
And then filters by [2], so the final output is “link2”, “link5”. But the XPath expression “//a[2][@class]” first filters by “[2]” returning
<a href="" class="someclass">link2</a>
<a href="" >link4</a>
<a href="" >link7</a>
And then filters by [@class] so the final output is “link2”.