Usual Parameters¶
Certain parameters are common to a high number of NSEQL commands:
‘int position’ parameters. A parameter of this type represents an index (starting in 0) of the elements of a sorted group. Typically, the members of this group are the HTML elements of a specific type (e.g. links, forms, frames, etc.) that are present in the current document and that verify a specific condition imposed by the command to which the parameter belongs. For example, the parameter
of the commandFINDFORMBYNAME
indexes the group of forms present in the current document with a name that verifies the conditions specified by the remaining parameters of the command. The order of the various elements in the group is determined by the order in which they appear in the HTML code of the page.‘int pages’ parameters. This type of parameter is received by the commands that generate a new navigation. It specifies the number of pages that should be waited to download after execution of the command, before continuing with execution of the sequence. The function of this parameter is to ensure that subsequent NSEQL commands do not begin executing until the navigation issued by the current command has completed (had the navigation not been completed, subsequent NSEQL commands could fail, as the HTML elements on which they act could not be available yet). In the most common case, this parameter receives the value ‘1’, as the induced navigation involves only one new page being loaded. However, there are certain cases where more pages need to be loaded:
When a multi-frame document is loaded, it is necessary to wait until all the frames have loaded (each frame loads its own page).
If the server carries out certain types of automatic redirecting, the system can move through one or various intermediate pages before arriving at the required page.