
Once the installation process has terminated, the servers are ready to run. Each server found on the same machine as the administration tool can be started up directly from the Web tool itself, as dealt with in section Adding, Editing and Deleting Servers. If this is not the case, they have to be started up in the machines in which they reside.

Starting Up the Administration Tool

The administration tool can be started from the Denodo Platform Control Center (see the Installation Guide), or by using the following scripts available in the DENODO_HOME/bin:

  • itpilot_webadmin_startup: starts up the administration tool.

  • itpilot_webadmin_shutdown: stops the administration tool.

Once the application has been properly displayed, the administration tool will be available at http://localhost:9090/webadmin/denodo-itpilot-admin.

Starting Up the Browser Pool

The Browser Pool can be started from the Denodo Platform Control Center or by using the following scripts available in the path DENODO_HOME/bin:

  • browserpool_startup: starts up the Browser Pool.

  • browserpool_shutdown: stops the remote pool and all the browsers contained in it.

Starting Up the Wrapper Server

The Wrapper Server can be started from the Denodo Platform Control Center or using the following scripts available in the path DENODO_HOME/bin:

  • vqlserver_startup: starts up the Wrapper Server.

  • vqlserver_shutdown: stops the Wrapper Server.

  • vqlserver: with the options startup and shutdown.

Starting Up the Verification Server

The Verification Server can be started from the Denodo Platform Control Center or using the following scripts available in the path DENODO_HOME/bin:

  • verification_startup: starts up the Verification Server.

  • verification_shutdown: stops the Verification Server.

Starting Up the Verification Server with a Graphical Tool

The verification server can be started together with a graphical tool, described in detail in section Verification Server Graphical Configuration and Monitoring Tool, by using the verificationGUI_startup scripts available in the path <DENODO_HOME>/bin.

Starting Up the PDF Conversion Server

The PDF conversion server can be started from the Denodo Platform Control Center or using the executable PdfConversionsServer.exe which resides in the DENODO_HOME/bin directory, and that allows the server to be started up and stopped, with the following format:

PDFConversionsServer ([-start \| -shutdown] [-conf='confFile'])

  • -start means that the conversion server must be started

  • -stop means that it must be stopped

  • confFile, as the server configuration file. By default, it can be found at DENODO_HOME/conf/iebrowser, with the name

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