Promotion Mode Behavior between Denodo Updates¶
Solution Manager provides a new way of executing the VQL of the revisions during deployments. When this new mode is used:
The changes are executed inside a transaction.
The execution time is faster.
In case of error, the rollback takes a few seconds (it is not necessary to load the full VQL from the backup, which could take a long time).
Before update u20230301, the new promotion mode is not available.
Since update u20230301, the behavior of a deployment depends on the version of the update installed in both Solution Manager and the Virtual DataPort servers of the target environment of the deployment.
If you have installed the initial update u20230301, we recommend installing the latest revision of that update.
If Solution Manager has the latest revision of the update u20230301, for Virtual DataPort servers in:
Update before u20230301:
The new promotion mode is not available.
Update u20230301 or higher. The new promotion mode is not available when:
Rollback is not enabled in standard environments.
Deploying revisions that contain changes in more than one Virtual DataPort database.
Deploying at least one revision of VQL type.
If Solution Manager has update u20230914 or higher, for Virtual DataPort servers in:
Update before u20230301:
The new promotion mode is not available.
Update u20230301. The new promotion mode is not available when:
Rollback is not enabled in standard environments.
Deploying revisions that contain changes in more than one Virtual DataPort database.
Deploying at least one revision of VQL type.
Update u20230914 or higher. The new promotion mode is not available when:
Rollback is not enabled in standard environments.
Deploying at least one revision of VQL type.