Managing Clusters

To manage existing clusters you should open the Overview dialog. Click menu-environments in the top menu and select menu-environments-overview in the emerging menu.

Overview dialog

Overview dialog

For each existing cluster the table will show the following columns:

  • Environment: The environment the cluster belongs to. Click on it to open its configuration dialog.

  • Cluster: The cluster name. Click on it to open its configuration dialog. If there is a info icon next to the cluster name, it will give you access to the cluster summary.

  • Status: The cluster status, which can transit between the following values:

    • pending Pending creation. The cluster is waiting for available resources to create its cloud infrastructure.

    • initializing Initializing. The cluster is allocating resources in its cloud infrastructure.

    • awaiting Awaiting services. The cluster is waiting for the launched instances to register in the Solution Manager.

    • warning Warning. The cluster is usable since at least one instance of every type of server is running, but not all of the instances are ready.

    • ok Ok. All the instances of every type of server are up and running.

    • error Error. The last action executed on the cluster ended with an error.

    • deleting Deleting. The cluster is removing all its resources from its cloud infrastructure.

    • start Starting. All the instances of the cluster are starting.

    • stop Stopping. All the instances of the cluster are stopping.

    • stop Stopped. All the instances are either stopped, after stopping the cluster; or terminated, as a result of setting to zero the size of the autoscaling group they belong to.

    • restarting Restarting. All the instances of the cluster are rebooting.

    • recreating Recreating. The cluster is recreating some resources in its cloud infrastructure.

    • warning Pending recreation. The cluster has been imported. You will need to invoke the cluster recreation to end with the import process.

    • warning Pending configuration. The cluster has been imported, but the cloud network 1 and/or the cluster environment region have been modified. You will have to fill in the cluster subnet and the images used by each product. In addition, if the region has been modified, you will also have to fill in the key pair.


      VPC for AWS and Virtual Network for Azure

  • Last Action: The last operation executed for that cluster. Next to the name of the action, an icon describes the status of its execution:

    • pending The action is waiting for available resources to start executing.

    • in-progress The action is running.

    • ok The action was successfully executed.

    • error The action ended with an error.

  • Monitoring: If the cluster is being monitored, this column will show a eye icon.

  • Actions: A drop-down with the available operations for the cluster. The next sections explain in detail all these actions. Take into account that the set of available operations may change according to your privileges, the cluster working mode, the cluster status or if there is an ongoing operation.

View the Cluster Summary

Those clusters in automated mode will show a info icon next to the cluster name. Click on it to open the Cluster summary dialog, which gives you information on the actual infrastructure of the cluster in the cloud.

AWS Cluster Summary

AWS cluster summary dialog

AWS cluster summary dialog

Azure Cluster Summary

Azure cluster summary dialog

Azure cluster summary dialog

View the Progress of the Last Action

Click on the value of the Last Action and you will access to the Cluster progress dialog, where you can check all the events associated with the last executed action. For each event, it shows similar information than the one displayed in the cluster events dialog.

Cluster progress dialog

Cluster progress dialog

Enable a Cluster

Click on the enable-cluster Enable option under the Actions drop-down to enable the cluster, so it participates in future deployments.

This option is only available for clusters in standard mode that are disabled.

Disable a Cluster

Click on the disable-cluster Disable option under the Actions drop-down to disable the cluster, so future deployments will ignore it.

This option is only available for clusters in standard mode that are enabled.

View All Cluster Events

Click on the all-events View all events option under the Actions drop-down to access the Cluster events dialog, which shows a historical view of all the events related to the cluster.

Cluster events dialog

Cluster events dialog

Events are generally produced as a result of an action and will be grouped as such. If you click the plus-sign icon before an action, you will get a more detailed information of the events occurred. Note that not all events are grouped by an action, for example, the registering of new instances as a result of an auto scaling policy.

Cluster events detail

Cluster events detail

The State column for an event can take one of the values:

  • event-ok The event finished successfully.

  • event-error The event has failed.

Click on the info drop-down to view the output or errors that happened during the event.

This option is only available for clusters in automated mode.

Start a Cluster

Click on the start Start option under the Actions drop-down to bring a Stopped cluster to the Ok status.

This option is only available for clusters in automated mode.

Stop a Cluster

Click on the stop Stop option under the Actions drop-down to bring the cluster to the Stopped status. All the auto scaling groups desired instances will be set to 0 and their instances terminated. The instances not belonging to an auto scaling group will be stopped.

This option is only available for clusters in automated mode.

Restart a Cluster

Click on the restarting Restart option under the Actions drop-down to restart the cluster, i.e. first stopping the cluster and then starting it again.

This option is only available for clusters in automated mode with an Ok, Warning or Error status.

Recreate a Cluster from an Image

Click on the recreating Recreate from image option under the Actions drop-down to open the Recreate cluster from image dialog.

Recreate cluster from image dialog

Recreate cluster from image dialog

You can recreate all the cluster or select which products will be recreated. The Recreate minimizing downtime option will create new instances for the selected products and, once they are ready, it will replace them in the load balancer so all new request address the recently created instances.

This option is only available for clusters in automated mode.


If the metadata of the instance was modified manually (that is, you connected to the instance directly and did changes, and these changes are not included in the AMI/Image nor applied through promotions), when the cluster is recreated, you will lose these changes unless the servers (Virtual DataPort, Scheduler or Data Catalog) use an external database. To avoid losing these changes, use the Recreate a Cluster from a Server option.


To keep manual changes made through SSH regarding some configuration of the instance, you need to use the option Recreate a Cluster from a Server.

Recreate a Cluster from a Server

Click on the recreating Recreate from server option under the Actions drop-down to open the Recreate cluster from server dialog.

Recreate cluster from server dialog

Recreate cluster from server dialog

Do this when you have modified an instance manually and you want to apply the same changes to all the other nodes of the cluster. You can recreate all the cluster or select which products will be recreated.

For each product, you need to select from which of the existing servers the cluster should be recreated. A new AMI/image will be generated for each product using the specified servers and then, the cluster will be recreated using the new generated AMIs/images.

This option is only available for clusters in automated mode.

Install a Denodo Update in a Cluster

This option is only available for clusters in automated mode.

To install a Denodo update, the Solution Manager will proceed as follows:

  1. Create new instances.

  2. Install the update in them.

  3. Create new AMIs/images from them.

  4. Replace them in the existing cluster.

The updates can be obtained from the Denodo support site or from any S3 bucket (AWS automated cluster) or a blob storage location (Azure automated cluster). For either case, you must provide the necessary credentials in the Automated mode configuration panel.

To open the Update installation dialog, click on the update Install Denodo update option under the Actions drop-down.

Update installation dialog

Update installation dialog

At the top of the dialog you will find information on which update is installed for each type of server (if any).

Click on the update-dialog-select-from drop-down to choose the location of the Denodo update:

  • Support site: You can select any of the applicable updates from the Denodo support site and see its description details.

    Select update from Denodo support site

    Select update from Denodo support site

  • S3 location: You must choose the profile to use for the S3 bucket and the S3 URL where the Denodo update is located.

    This option is only available for clusters in automated cloud mode (AWS).

    Select update from S3 location dialog

    Select update from S3 location dialog


See an example of minimum permissions for S3 access.

  • Azure blob storage location: You must specify the Shared Access Signature URL where the Denodo update is located. Please check Storage SAS overview for further details.

    This option is only available for clusters in automated cloud mode (Azure).

    Select update from Azure blob storage location dialog

    Select update from Azure blob storage location dialog

Note that for all locations, you can select which server types in the cluster will be updated.

In addition, you can choose the Install minimizing downtime option, which means that new instances will be created with the new AMI/image and, when ready, they will replace the existing ones in the load balancer so all new request address the recently created instances.

Once the update or updates to apply are selected, click update-dialog-install to proceed.


To use the option Install from Denodo support site, the computer where the Solution Manager runs needs to have internet access.

In addition, the AWS instances need to be able to connect to the S3 endpoints and download the update. For this, the instances have to meet one or more of these conditions:

  1. EC2 instance with a public IP address and a route table entry with the default route pointing to an Internet Gateway.

  2. Private EC2 instance with a default route through a NAT gateway.

  3. Private EC2 instance with connectivity to Amazon S3 using a Gateway VPC endpoint.

This page of the AWS documentation provides more information about how to configure your instances to be able to reach the S3 bucket with the update.

Monitor the Cluster with the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool

Click on the dmt Open Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool option under the Actions drop-down to start monitoring the cluster with the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool.

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